Best way to secure gauntlets in place?


Active Hunter
Hey there everyone.

I was curious what solutions people have used to keep their gauntlets in place?

I currently just have a sewn on piece of velcro on my wrists to keep them on the edge of my flight suit. It sort of works, but sometimes I get pretty bad armor bite and when I rotate my wrist, the gauntlet never really follows, so sometimes it looks a bit weird.

I've seen some velcro ties secured with like metal loops that are glued on the inside?

As well as potentially using some foam?

Anyone have some examples of the way they've found works best?
Gauntlet bite is very common. I plan on using soft furniture foam from Hobby Lobby to help keep the gauntlets in place and prevent rotating. That's what I use on my display mannequin right now.
Gauntlet bite is very common. I plan on using soft furniture foam from Hobby Lobby to help keep the gauntlets in place and prevent rotating. That's what I use on my display mannequin right now.
Do you have some photos? Just curious what potential options are since the armor bite is pretty killer on the left gauntlet.
I haven't been home this weekend but I can snap you some when I am. Most likely the gauntlet bite on the left is because of the weight of the rocket and the shells being too tight. It's unavoidable from what I've seen/heard for those heavy duty troopers.

I got a smaller bag of this foam for the pockets and inside the gauntlet shells for my build:

I have used Velcro wrist straps mounted inside the gauntlets.They work just fine.Check my thread
Builders ESB Build. I think back on around page 25. Enjoy the building process!
I have used Velcro wrist straps mounted inside the gauntlets.They work just fine.Check my thread
Builders ESB Build. I think back on around page 25. Enjoy the building process!
You have a link to your build thread? I can't seem to find it.
Hi Joe
Click on Pg. 25 of this forum..should be there.
Ohhh I see it now. Thank you. When I searched for threads by you nothing was showing up.

I gotta say, "Gauntlet-Bite", is a term I'm new to. But it sounds unpleasant.

For my gauntlets, I used Foam Padding and hot glued mine in place. Like so.....
Gauntlet Padding.jpg

And when suited up....unable to see it - also a bonus!
No Gauntlet Padding.JPG

No Gauntlet Padding - 2.JPG

The Velcro Wrist strap sound interesting though.

I use foam in both. But my left gauntlet is a bit top heavy due to the metal rocket and spins easily out of place. So I have an elastic strap with a release buckle in that one.

The top and bottom are held in place with velcro, with tiny magnets glued inside to help guide them in place. It makes aligning the velcro so much easier when suiting up. Perfect fit every time.
I hate posting on an old thread but this is info that no one has ever said and it works so well. So at lowes they sell these Velcro straps. They have the fuzz on one side and the other side is the harder fuzz( whatever the hell it’s called) and there is a slit on one end so you can wrap it around your forearm like a strap, I strap two around my forearms with the hard side out. I have then glued the fuzzy side out Velcro to the inside of the gauntlets so when I secure them to my forearms (they secure together with their own Velcro and seams, the straps on my arms don’t hold the upper and lower shells together) this makes them not slide or rotate. It’s amazing. It secures them in place and adds another layer of redundancy and helps keep them in line. Just thought this may help some of yall
I hate posting on an old thread but this is info that no one has ever said and it works so well. So at lowes they sell these Velcro straps. They have the fuzz on one side and the other side is the harder fuzz( whatever the hell it’s called) and there is a slit on one end so you can wrap it around your forearm like a strap, I strap two around my forearms with the hard side out. I have then glued the fuzzy side out Velcro to the inside of the gauntlets so when I secure them to my forearms (they secure together with their own Velcro and seams, the straps on my arms don’t hold the upper and lower shells together) this makes them not slide or rotate. It’s amazing. It secures them in place and adds another layer of redundancy and helps keep them in line. Just thought this may help some of yall
Trying to wrap my head around that description. Maybe a photo would shed some light.

Trying to wrap my head around that description. Maybe a photo would shed some light.

I agree with Irongladiator I found the build thread and photo of the velcro strap that Builder used a long time ago and just looked again.

However, I copied Iron with using foam since I didn’t feel like permanently affixing a velcro strap to my gauntlet. I went with foam and adhesive velcro.

Do you have photos of how you did it? A link to what you bought at Lowes would be great too.
Only reason I jumped on this again is because I'm installing a MiCom unit in that Gauntlet and am toying with the idea of perhaps doing something differently for convenience.

Your absolutely right. Here you go, keep in mind this is a mando gauntlet on my bare arm but the theory is the same.
First pic wrap to he Velcro strap around your arm over your flight suit, I do one near the wrist and one around the upper forearm.

Then the gauntlet has Velcro of the opposite side glued to the inside as well as the normal Velcro closure around the edges that we all do.

Then mount the gauntlet as normal and the straps will attaché to the inside of the gauntlet, securing it on place


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I hope that helped and makes sense. The key is those Velcro straps at lowes. They are made to tie rods or pieces of wood together and they are in the Velcro section, they conveniently come in packs of 4. When applied over a flight suit they really help secure your gauntlets especially if you have a metal rocket or other lopsided components
That totally helps, now I get at what yer saying. Thanks for sharing, definitely something to consider. My Right Rauntlet I never have to adjust while trooping, but my Left Gauntlet, only every now and again do I find myself having to adjust it. Annoying but tolerable.

I hope that helped and makes sense. The key is those Velcro straps at lowes. They are made to tie rods or pieces of wood together and they are in the Velcro section, they conveniently come in packs of 4. When applied over a flight suit they really help secure your gauntlets especially if you have a metal rocket or other lopsided components

Pictures help for sure. Reminds me of the cable management velcro holders. If the foam fails on Boba I'll look into doing something like you and Builder. For now... Boba is shelved lol. Mando is the only costume I troop lately and his gauntlets are so tight I don't need anything to keep them in place.
I came with a very simple solution : I used the bolt inside the gauntlets to fix an elastic strap that I pass around my forarms before sealing the gauntlets. Keep them from turning of sliding off. I wore them for 9 hours this WE and they did'nt move a bit.
I use a liner of EVA foam inside my gauntlets. I painted them to match the gauntlets should somehow they be seen, though they haven't shown in any pictures and tend to not show anyway when I wear them.
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