Lupus´s lone way ...


New Hunter
Well, i hope it won´t be a lonely way for me and first off all i have to thank the people who gave me their advise so far.
So ... what wll it be?
Right now i got some things and you will know what for they are. I ordered the helmet and i m pretty sure where i will get the flightsuit from.
The armor will be a bit tricky. I am in contact with BM and MinuteFett and two other. Maybe i thought it will be easier. ;-)
Right now, i can show you this ...


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Well, i hope it won´t be a lonely way for me and first off all i have to thank the people who gave me their advise so far.
So ... what wll it be?
Right now i got some things and you will know what for they are. I ordered the helmet and i m pretty sure where i will get the flightsuit from.
The armor will be a bit tricky. I am in contact with BM and MinuteFett and two other. Maybe i thought it will be easier. ;-)
Right now, i can show you this ...

Based off the found parts, you're going the Pre Pro Fett route? If so, AWESOME. Getting dentless armor (super trooper) would be best route for replicating the armor dents, if mimicking the suit accurately is your goal -- I converted a ESB set to Pre Pro 2 and would've been a lot easier with a dentless kit.
I hope i don´t belittle your expectations Brokk , but i want to go the super trooper way, everytime with one eye on 01Hawk wip, wich is absolutely awesome. To be honest, the aim was allways to be part of the 501st. Now that i am already i don´t care if there is a crl for the super trooper. This will be my funproject.
I hope i don´t belittle your expectations Brokk , but i want to go the super trooper way, everytime with one eye on 01Hawk wip, wich is absolutely awesome. To be honest, the aim was allways to be part of the 501st. Now that i am already i don´t care if there is a crl for the super trooper. This will be my funproject.

Still a nice choice -- while there is no CRL for it within the 501st, perhaps you could be the one to make it one.
I think the discussion started lightyears ago, if the super trooper is an approvable costume for the 501st and i believe to remember that it is not, because the super trooper never appears in canon.

Anyway ... another part found ...
In my experience it's just an older photo and they will ship the newer version. Good luck though, I really hope its the old one. No one has been able to find one yet.
We are back on track, after the little setback with the piezo lighter.
Found this little thing here ... and will find out whatfor the knobs are. :unsure:

I know, this is no sprint and things comming together slowly...


Quotetd by seller, on should work, the other got rusty batterycontacts. I will buy batteries and try out.
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