attaching the cape.

Mike M.

Well-Known Hunter
Community Staff
i've been hoping to find a good photo of the attaching device for the cape to the body, but i haven't found one yet. so i'm fishing for suggestions and possibly some good pics showing how you made it not fall to the ground.
They are called shoulder studs and they are attached to the neck armor. The stud on the left side of the armor, if you were wearing it, would unscrew and allow you to put your cape over it. You then screw the stud back down and your cape is in place. I am assuming that is what you were referring to.
well, huh. looks like i'm going to have to reform my back plate a little then.
i've got two extra keyboards laying around collecting dust. as for pics... give me a couple minutes and i can post some.



ok, this is what i was working with to get the armor usable for haloween. tomorrow i begin worn on a new flak vest. currently the cape is held on with a plastic harness clip and webbing sewn directly to the bodysuit. i apologize, these are the best pics i have of the costume right now.
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Hmm so your neck armor and your back armor don't meet then. That is where your problem is, at least from looking at the pics is what I can tell.
yeah, i'm thinking that for a better fit i'm going to need to heat and reshape the plastic. guess i'll be doing that tomorrow when i start working on the new flak vest.
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