Armour damage

Boba Al

New Hunter
Gday guys,

Ive done a search on this and well i couldnt find what i was after.

Ive been looking at various battle damage methods for the armour.

i was wondering how everyone goes about painting the yellow damage on their armour is it via painting it via hand or via layered method ie using the masking fluid etc????

If there is another way id love to see ppls methods!!! Thanks again for your help ! This would have to be the best Star wars costuming site by far!!!!


I've heard liquid mask (liquid laytex), paint it on, then paint the armor, then peel off.

I've also heard the same for white elmers glue and toothpaste. Tried the toothpaste on my pretty cool.
well finished the armour and thanks to all you guys for the suggestions i went with chrome undercoat then humbrol maskol to mask areas of damage then topical yellow damage on top of the green coat. i also heard clag and toothpaste works as mentioned above but the maskol worked a treat i also used it on my ESB rifle!
Haha, I think it's funny you guys are gonig out to buy junk to weather your armour with. I used mustard on mine. Yes, mustard, straight from my refrigerator. I first painted my armor silver, then I put mustard on the parts I wanted to keep silver, then I painted on the yellow. LET IT DRY BEFORE YOU PUT ON A SECOND COAT. Then let this coat dry! Then you run it under the sink and use your fingers or so to rub off where the mustard was, and magically you can see the silver!

Then I put more mustard on, so you can see the silver and a little bit of yellow, then I spraypainted the armour with Spruce Green, let it paint and then remove the paint in the sink.

After this I put on the decals, I went to Office Max and bought some adhesive paper, printed the decals and placed them on my armour, then gave it a soft mist of flat black paint.




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Long hard nights of making and shaving off some Sinta equals that armour :) I do know Kastalorian Armor on ebay though, that is actually his cod plate. I was having trouble with mine. I'm sure I could make one now though, I've gotten much better at prop making.
GCNgamer128 said:
Haha, I think it's funny you guys are gonig out to buy junk to weather your armour with.

You know what I think is funny:

Two polar bears are sitting on an ice floe. One turns to the other and says, "Hey, what's on TV tonight?"
The second one says, "No soap. . . radio."
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
So, you guys who mask, this is a basic step by step?
1. paint the entire set in silver
2. Mask the silver - paint the entire set in yellow
3. Mask the silver\yellow - paint the entire set green

?? Right? lol....sorry, noob here.
Delta75 said:
So, you guys who mask, this is a basic step by step?
1. paint the entire set in silver
2. Mask the silver - paint the entire set in yellow
3. Mask the silver\yellow - paint the entire set green

?? Right? lol....sorry, noob here.

i've been working on mine this week... see the "my new metal armor" thread for how i did it.

but yeah, that's the idea.

do the silver, and let that one cure fully. i usually rush everything, but you want the silver to be more durable than the other colors if you're going to do fine scratches later on.

i used a pencil to lightly outline the areas i wanted to remain silver. i used the latex masking fluid to fill in the inside of the pencil marked damage areas. then i did the yellow.

once that was dry i did the same exercise again, this time masking off the parts that i wanted to have the yellow show through on.

i did my green in 2 layers. a lighter green and a darker. in some of the magic of myth photos you can see a lighter green in there, so i did that. particularly on the ab plate, that lighter green shows through a lot on the right hand side. for the ab plate i masked out some scratches with more latex, then did the dark green.

i've found that there's a sort of magic "right time" to peel the paint off. if you wait too long it's hard to get it off. if you do it too soon, it will peel beyond the borders you masked. i usually wait until i can't scratch it with my fingernail.

if you want to experiment with the technique, get some plastic and try it out on that first (i like no parking signs for this). paint it out with the stuff you plan to use and play around.
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