no way dude!!!!
what i did for mine was i got a nice dead on shot of the armor. Then i measured out all of the sides on the picture. Then i kinda eye balled the armor, i saw that a certain side would be in a certain spot on my body. I then measured how long i would want it to be on my body. The rest is math, say that one side on the picture is an inch long, the part you want on ur body is 6 inch long, that means that you multiply all the sides on the picture by 6. If the pictuer was 2 inch long and the same side was 6 inches on ur body then u would multiply all the sides by 3. Do you get what i mean? if not i will glady explain it more.
Then ther are the angles, just measure the angle on the paper, then transfer them to the real amor. ANgles never change no matter the size.
I believe that the armor is cut all from one solid piece, meaning that you can put all the pieces together like a puzzle (im not sure about that tho, its how it turned out with my armor)
Be sure to do it all on poster board first, then test it out, then work with the syntra. Good luck!!