Are there how to painting videos ?


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Are there any painting videos available to watch ? I started watching a really good tutorial on YouTube who mentioned TDH , but as it got to the tenth instalment where he started to paint the helmet one of the videos was missing and left out instalment 10 completely ?
Type 'how to paint a Bob and Fett helmet' into Google and you'll see the first of Welshwarrior's videos. There are 20 or so chapters I think. Couple that with some of the threads in the 'consolidated paintups' sticky in the helmet section and most stuff is covered.
They were welsh warriors I think ? He was Welsh in the videos , however itussef the painting the rear section and seemed to be out of sync in the order ?

Thanks guys i will will try and find the other sources
They're all there; parts 1 to 26.
Once you've found 'Lewis-White FX' on Youtube go to his play lists and you'll find all 26 videos in one place and in order.
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