Apollo's Build

This helmet is actually done. It's not really close to being done, it's not done except for a couple upgrades that I want to make, it is actually done and I am psyched about that. I added the earcap (which actually makes it look so much better for such a small piece) and finished up the inside. The padding is made from that stuff that goes underneath carpeting and I spray painted it grey. The visor is bolted in with regular bolts because I could not find chicago screws. If your helmet is kind of small DO NOT USE REGULAR BOLTS. I had to stick padding on top of them because they were gouging out the skin on my forehead. The copper piece on the left is actually a cooling fan from the inside of a IBM Thinkpad so it serves a real purpose besides looking cool. This helmet is very small and it is ridiculously uncomfortable to wear since my head is kind of big. This said, I think it's worth it because I have never never put on a helmet that I would call comfortable and the inside just looks cool. The color in these pics is a little off because of the lighting but if you look at earlier pics in the thread you can see what the burgundy color actually looks like pretty well.












thanks guys. I just got word that I'll be getting the display for my back piece pretty soon so I can finish that up, then I've also got to finish my shin pieces and make knees (I have no idea what I'll be doing for knees). After that it's basically just soft stuff like a pauldron and the vest and I'll be ready for Halloween
Your weapons are so cool I want them. Where did you get your arc pistols? Are all your other weapons custom too? If so can you tell us how you made them.
I make all of my weapons out of wood, sintra, and pvc. The ARC pistols are rubber and were cast by Stomper, but I made the master. I think there's a thread in the cargo hold (although it's pretty old) that you should be able to go to if you want some ARC pistol goodness lol.

I've been thinking about other good guns to make for this guy. I'm leaning towards a double barreled shotgun after Halloween. What do you guys think?

I'm also trying really hard to get this up and running for Halloween and an Expo that weekend. I bought the vinyl for a vest and pauldron today, my shins are getting ready for paint, and I am trying really hard to get my revamped shoulders molded so I can cast them.
I think a shotgun would be really cool. You made all the bowcasters yourself man your good. I do not whant to mess with that guy.
Keep up the good work.
I got the display for my backplate today so I can restart work on that. I need to buy some useless switches and whatnot from radioshack to stick on there and then I can finally paint something. I'm a big fan of painting
Here's the backplate as it stands now. I still need to add some grime, possibly some lettering, and I need to install the electronics. For some reason the krylon grey primer did not go over well on top of the krylon hammered silver, so the final coat has some weird texture on it that's a bit more noticeable in real life. Aside from that, I think it came out pretty well.



That display was made for me by a guy on the mercs boards named Scur

I also have done some work on my shins. The one in silver will be the right shin and the unpainted one will be the left. There are some symmetry issues between the two with the left shin being wider than the right, but I hope to lessen that effect by putting 2 explosives cannisters on the right shin. I also used rub n buff for the base coat after the debacle with the hammered silver on the backplate and I finally got it to come out really well.





I wore my helmet to hand out candy last night and I found a few problems that need to be addressed. The battery pack for the rf lights slides down so I need to put some plastic in to help hold it up better. Also, this helmet is extremely uncomfortable and I could not stand to wear it for two hours straight. This is mostly due to how small it is and the way that the top bolts on the visor push into my forehead. Fortunately, it does not overheat at all and I didn't even have the fan on. The kids loved it

I got some work done on the right shin last night



and the paint on the backplate is completely finished. All that's left now if to install the light display. The color in these pics is horrific. The real piece looks less like barney



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