AnyonNot much of a fan of the new boba fett design…

Mythos Fenn

Oh No.gif

.....That poor helmet!

Hahaha! J/K - I'd actually would like to see that.

Must be Kathleen Kennedy behind this. As it's known she wants to get rid of OT characters and focus on new oportunities to spread her agenda, maybe she was like: Well, Boba Fett it is, good, but at least redesign every single bit of him!


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its noticable that the whole look of both Mando and Fett has become cleaner and more stylised .. if you rewatch Mando series one it feels much more 'of the lived in universe' its grubbier dirtier and the costumes reflect that. it's to me quite noticeable .. and I really don't like it' that everything about BOBF and Mando has become cleaner and sanitised including the costumes and environments .. its starting to feel a little cartoony and Clone wars ..
This may be a result of Covid and or speed to get things done, or over use of the 'Volume tech' I don't know but almost every character has started to look like an action figure before its an action figure! .. that might be just me and folk may not agree but I think the tone of Boba has been distinctly off from the start .. feels like a graphic novel rather than a live action series ..
For Example Contrast Mos Espa where apparently EVERYBODY went which is now half empty .. hardly any markets, droids or other junk and paraphernalia versus the look of some of the locations in Mando series 1 and 2 ... muddy filled with dirt grime and character .. some real 'world building' went into those series whereas Boba feels empty and sanitised across the board but especially in the costumes.

as a complete aside I think you're right that the ragged 'mythos' look would have been better ... again just my personal opinion.
Oh I assure you it was positive! I found it hilarious!

Oh and please for the love of god, please, please, please turn this back to flamethrowers!
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While that action sequence was some of the most bad assery I've seen outta Boba, they really shoulda kept them flamethrowers.

I still hypothesize that Boba can change those nozzles to either shoot out flame or lasers via the buttons on his left gauntlet. So, maybe multi-purpose? But then why did they also make his right gauntlet do this.....?
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So.....akimbo flamethrowers then?
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It perplexes thy mind. Hahaha!


Yeah the "Akimbo" Flamethrowers appears to be official now. At last we got it on the left gauntlet again even though where it shoots out seems to shoot out of the laser tip?
Two Flamethrowers Confirmed (2).jpg

The Right gauntlet thing, I dunno where that started from. Might have been mislead info on where the correct placement was in one of the visual guides of the costume/gadgets somewhere but it still doesn't make sense. Also EA's Battlefront has it for the right gauntlet too....Doesn't Din have two as well? I'm pretty sure he does.
One thing I did want to point out is in the back of the new canon graphic novel, "War of the Bounty Hunters" states Fett has "Flamethrowers".
I just snapped a quick pic:


So what does this mean, he can actually alternate between weaponry? Seems to be the case.. He can go full Iron Man Mark I now, I'm sure that was Favreau's idea for obvious reasons.
I mean I can't complain with that to be honest, he's always been a badass with the arsenal he's got. Its why he's the best.
I just hope reverts back to being more ruthless and keeps that bucket on more!
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Unfortunately, you won't really find Boba being all the ruthless in that comic book series either.

Hm I dunno? He had some pretty cool moments in it to be honest. Nothing 'Twin Engines of Destruction'/old EU level of badassary though of course. That story is still one of my all time favourites would love to have seen it in live action. A copycat playing the part of Boba in his absence was a missed opportunity.
Hm I dunno? He had some pretty cool moments in it to be honest. Nothing 'Twin Engines of Destruction'/old EU level of badassary though of course. That story is still one of my all time favourites would love to have seen it in live action. A copycat playing the part of Boba in his absence was a missed opportunity.

Agreed. I would say Boba fighting Bossk was the best part from the War of the Bounty Hunters series - outside of that, it was fairly lack luster, to me at least.
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