Anyone received Mandalorian Gear boot spikes?


Active Hunter
Anyone received their aluminium toe spikes from 'Mandalorian Gear'?

I've been waiting for mine for a few months and haven't been able to get in touch with the them. Been trying for over a month.
Nothing here either.
I used to talk to Scott via Email everyday, but I haven't been able to get a responce from him since I got the Boots.
Hopefully they are in the mail as we speak.
If I hear from him off board, I'll let you all know.
Robert E.

reidemiller wrote:

Hopefully they are in the mail as we speak.
Robert E.

Don't count on it. I have talked with Wes and he said they "may" go out this Friday, Wes was even leary on that..... No matter what way you look at it Scott has lied about shipping them to us and Wes.

It will be a month on the 9 that Scott told me they were to have shipped and three weeks since he tol Wes they have shipped.

I'm not too happy about this, I know it is not Wes's fault, so I'm in no way upset with Wes.

Wes and I have already had a couple good PM's over this matter in the past couple days, neither of us are too happy over it.

Wes said something a while back like Scott "took a bath" on the spikes. I don't think anybody is going to be getting their spikes. :facepalm I hope I'm wrong though. I hop to at least get my boots.
My goal is to get everbody what they ordered, spikes included.
If I have to take leave and drive to AZ to make sure that happens, I will. I'm doing everything within my power to make sure this project is completed to everyone's satisfaction.

Wes, we know it's not you're fault. Myself, and I think everyone else appreciate what you've done and continue to do to complete these orders. Thanks again. :)
If need be, and you have a sample, I could have them made locally.
LMK if this is an option.
Robert E.
I talked to Scott this morning and he said the spikes will be shipped as soon as ALL are Complete.
So some will be getting Spikes before Boots.
Lets cross our toes.
Robert E.

reidemiller wrote:

I talked to Scott this morning and he said the spikes will be shipped as soon as ALL are Complete.
So some will be getting Spikes before Boots.
Lets cross our toes.
Robert E.

What the happened to them shipping last month on the 9th and saying they were done and telling Wes they shipped???

I'm sorry, but he makes no sense........ ???.... :facepalm


Scotts email to me quote on the 9th....
"The spikes had the wrong size and angle for the holes The spike wereNOT put
on just built when I set them on the boot they looked wrong they stuck out to
the sides. The spikes are now ready and will ship monday. Keep in mindt that
wes under cut tye price of the spike...and the boots I personaly pated ovey
500.00 for theses spikes to be made..Im very sorry that you are not happy."

Scott, you better have a good explanation for lying to me, and also you don't answer my emails which is very rude..... I'm more then not happy now, I'm pissed... You need to get your ____ together......
Hey Lynn,
Sorry man!
I didn't post with the intention of pissing you off!
Just wanted to let everyone know what I found out. :)
Just don't Disintegrate the messenger! ;)
I fully understand you being upset! I too was told they had shipped.
I'm not defending Scot. Scott is Scott and only he can answer for his actions.
I posted above that I could have them done locally.
If this is an option, I'd be glad to help out.
It's up to Wes though.
Either way Buddy, we will get spikes!!
Robert E.

reidemiller wrote:

Hey Lynn,
Sorry man!
I didn't post with the intention of pissing you off!
Robert E.

I know that bud, and thanks for the info.... ;)

It just urks me that Scott won't anwser his emails or be a man and post here whats going on in person instead of leaving people hanging and delaying their projects because of his lack of communication.

Thats all I ask is a little communication from him, that is not too much to ask from him to say the least.


As long as WERE Cool, Bud!
Thanks Lynn!
I'm sending you a PM.
Robert E.
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