any recommendations on a good blaster or rifle for a custom mando?


Active Hunter
Hello guys. still the same situation for me. awaiting my gauntlets to arrive, going to restart on the helmet, and if the army surplus store does not have my flightsuit in soon, I'm going to say the hell with it and order one. So... aside from the helmet, I want a good rifle or blaster for my custom mando.
I was thinking of this one

of course, I'm open for advice. just a simple blaster or rifle.
what do you guys think?

instead of the first one, I'm thinking of ordering 2 sets of one of the smaller blasters I circled, and maybe the big one too. Wasn't the big Blaster in Battlefront? (I haven't played Battlefront 2 yet)
Kinda. The big blaster is a Lewis Gun. It's one of the BFGs carried by the Sandtroopers in ANH. I think the pilot's gun in Battle Front is based on it. The two others are DL44's. The one under the barell of the EE-3 is an ANH version and the one under the stock is an ESB version (I think, don't know the ESB from the RotJ well enough).

If you don't mind a hardware alternative of the Lewis, ask your garrison mates, there's enough TDs there that someone can probably help you.
have you thought of maybe a rifle similar to Zam's sniper?

I want to try making a super Accurate Zam when I get back from basic.
after I'm done with my custom mando, I want a gun that I can use for if I become a Tie Pilot too. it's been a while so I can't remember that good, yet I think when I played Battlefront as a Tie pilot, the Tie pilot had the Lewis gun. I am still unsure as to a Tie pilot or Guard. I'll make that decision when the time comes I guess
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I always thought that Zuckuss' blaster would be a great take on a custom Mando's weapon(Merr-Sonn GRS-1 Snare Rifle).

You don't see it very often, like the DL-44's, the Lewis, the EE-3's, or even the Pre-pro Sling gun.

Just my opinion.
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For my custom Mando, I took one of those pellet guns (like $20 from a sporting goods store). Cut the barrel, did a little painting and it works for me.

Since it is still half pellet - it does have some weight (like 3-4 pounds).


I added a $5.00 scope from WalMart to give it that "EE-3" feel.
I'm not good at making custom guns. And I'd rather find an old trashed up pellet gun or something like that, that has seen better days and perhaps work with it then. I'm going to order the ANH blasters though.

hopefull fett, PM sent
I went to a Salvation Army store and found some a toy laser tag style gun. Along with some plumbing area greeblies I made a nice blaster. I think I'm going to use an old (1991ish) watergun rifle I still have because it has a nice look to it.
Heck, take some PVC pipe and some pieces and make one up yourself, thats still one of my options)
The more imaginative the better
Why not get a toy, a nerf or a soft air gun and modify it? It's got to be better then carrying a DL44 that whilst cool everyone will go "look! that's Han's gun!".
You can even modify existing Star Wars blasters!

You're doing a custom, why not do custom blasters to go with it?
good point. Still, I've tried making one before. I carved the handles and the stock, and even tried using the handle of a garden hose. It didn't turn out good. I'll think more on that custom idea now
InfraFett said:

instead of the first one, I'm thinking of ordering 2 sets of one of the smaller blasters I circled, and maybe the big one too. Wasn't the big Blaster in Battlefront? (I haven't played Battlefront 2 yet)
the big gun looks like an EMP launcher carried by jet troopers in Star Wars: Battlefront 2.


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There's nothing wrong with using an already established weapon like the Sandtrooper's Lewis as long as you have a cool backstory when people ask you why do you have that gun. Something like "I took this off a dead sandtrooper, he just wasn't dead when I asked him for it" :)
With a little work some of the Nerf dart guns can be made into pretty nice looking blasters.

Finished PM-30 assault blaster. ;)



Or how about Fixing up a droid blaster?

Lots of these toy guns and other common items can be made into effective looking blasters with a little imagination and some work. :)


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