Another New Guy

I used the Ocean Blue for the first time in March and the temp wasn't very high. No real problems and I used the Cruzer dust layer method. Since then I have tried use the OB several times in high heat (mid 90s to 100s) and I have had the exact same problem that TK3944 describes. I don't know that it is the heat but that is what I have been attributing it to.

I gave up and just got a good layer of Ocean Blue then used 1000 grit to smooth it out. It took out some of the sheen but I think it still looks pretty decent.
I used the Ocean Blue for the first time in March and the temp wasn't very high. No real problems and I used the Cruzer dust layer method. Since then I have tried use the OB several times in high heat (mid 90s to 100s) and I have had the exact same problem that TK3944 describes. I don't know that it is the heat but that is what I have been attributing it to.

I gave up and just got a good layer of Ocean Blue then used 1000 grit to smooth it out. It took out some of the sheen but I think it still looks pretty decent.

That's exactly what I gave up and did. After the second attempt to use the the Ocean Blue with similar results (maybe it is the temperature in the garage). I then sanded it smooth with 800, then 1000 grit, so it's nice and smooth. It still has a nice even coating of blue all around. I might go ahead and use some gloss coat to bring some of the shine back to match the Rustoleum Royal Blue, which as I suspected, went on smooth as a baby's back side. I'll post some pics with I get that done.

Thanks all for the advice.

@saint_nasty, (insert sheepish emoticon) no, it wasn't automotive primer. I was too cheap and in too big of a hurry to go out and get yet another can of primer when I had a perfectly good can of primer here at home. Yeah, that saved a lot of time, huh? Ended up painting and sanding and repainting twice and it's still not right. I need to pay more attention to y'all's advice. :)
O.K. Got the ocean blue shined up, by applying gloss coat with a cotton ball. I didn't want to risk more bubbles by spraying it on, and didn't want brush strokes from using a brush, so i tried the cotton ball. Seems to have worked pretty good. Now, both blues are equally shiny. I still have to put in the visor and put on the right ear. Then shine it up again with polish, put on the stripes and then... weather it :( Seems a shame to dirty such a great looking helmet. Here's a few progress pics.



@tk3944 that automobile primer and the filler primer they sell in the auto dept of walmart is the only stuff I use any more. I've read and experienced too many heartaches to use anything else at this point.
looking good..............I just dirtied up my latest one yesterday. I am always nervous when I put the first dabs on but by the end it looks so much better I am having to control the urge to make it even dirtier. I am planning on posting some pics later but I don't want to post a pic of my work in your thread.
O.K. I think I have completed this helmet (except for the weathering, of course). Here are some final pics of the helmet. Please let me know what you think. Constructive criticism welcome.





Now on to another piece of Jango armor. Blasters would be AWESOME! Just can't seem to find anything other than Rubies at the moment. :(
Flight suit and vest probably next. Red Kap postman blue was what I was thinking. Any opinions?
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