Another Custom Mando

The helmet has alot of potential. I like that bar that runs medially across the top, kinda gives it a roman look.

The gun I totally love.
The bucket and gun are nice. The helmet looks beat up, but not in your average boba fett manner. And the changes you put into it make it stand out as well. The gun is really neat too. I've never been fond of that nerf gun, but adding a barrel to it kicks it up a notch!

take care,

cool gun. I love the lightsaber? added for the barrell. Is it a vader? anyway the color and weathering on both very cool. Makes me want to do my mando fan film Idea.
Thanks for all the positive comments:) The gun started out as the nerf maverick and yes that is a lightsaber part. It's from the build your own saber kit. I've got the armor just about finished. I found some light grey coveralls for $25. The only problem is that it's short sleeved. I thought about making some sleeves out of the same material I made my vest with, but I don't know yet. I'm also working on some sort of field pack. I hope to have it all complete in time for motor city comic con in a couple of weeks. Thanks again for all the comments.
I finally got around to posting some pics of my semi-completed custom. I want to make a different kama (probably a brownish canvas color) and I need to finish my flame thrower backpack tanks. Here are some pics of me and my sisters at Motor City Comic Con.




Looks pretty good so far- the only thing I want to say is that the cod piece needs more definition and maybe needs to be alittle smaller. Right now it kinda blends into the jumpsuit and looks just kinda blobish. Otherwise though I really dig the costume. I'd like to see some closer photos.

Looks good, like the color scheme. I have to agree with hellopike on the codpiece though. That's cool that your sisters got in on the mando costuming as well!
Fem mandos are so awesome!

I like the colors of your armor as the gray pulls down the yellow a bit so it's not so bright.

Maybe a smaller cod piece like everyone else has said, but all in all it looks really good and you should be proud to wear it =)
fair play this has come together nicely...the helmet kind of reminds me of the original battlestar galactica cylons...i thinks its the bar on top that does it lol...anyhooooo....well done this is a a great set of armour!
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