Another Custom Mando in Progress

Buck Navillus

New Hunter
I have been toiling in obscurity on a custom mando and realize it is time to share my progress. Of course most what I have done is based on reading the great posted experiences on TDH!

So far I have…
-Bought black flight suit
-Made gray girth belt
-Bought black ammo belt
-Bought Sgtfang helmet, need to finish and paint
-Bought painted reinforced painted rubies helmet from a guy on TDH for practice/backup/display in case
-Made assorted Sintra armor pieces
-Made vest pattern and sample vest out of cheap fabric
-Bought huge Nerf blaster, need to paint
-Found some old pellet guns to customize and paint as well

I had knee surgery January 10 so there was some down time but have started painting the armor pieces except cod and gauntlets which need work first. I will share more as I get more done. My goal is to be done in time for Starfest in Denver April 20th.

Here's cliackable image of the concept design:

Clickable image of armor:

Link to other pics:
Hmmm... A stripe down the front... hadn't thought about that.

Just kidding! But I was wondering if anybody else had a similar paint scheme. I guess there are only so many basic combinations of colors.
let me guess sintra, heat gun and some time? Looks great! I like the color combo you, buck Navillus and JoNich have. If I ever get started on that Heavy Assault Mandalorian I will use this combo. Oh, but I will NOT use the stripe down the middle. Maybe an arrow or a stripe down the right eye area or something.

Hell, we should start a clan! Especially with the surge of female Mandos that are out there. Something to think about.
Looking awsome mate. I wish i had even a slight smidge of drawing talent so i could get all the ideas out of my head and onto paper.:)

on a brief note, my friends gf has decided right or wrong that she wants a "barbie" fett, so ill keep you all posted on that potential disaster, lol

great work, keep us all updated:)
Hard to find time but slowly making some progress:

Most armor painted with base colors but not battle damage or weathering:

Cod piece spackled together (thumbnails clickable for larger image):

Blaster#1 painted:

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It looks sweet, but I agree the uzi should be made more like a star wars blaster. A simple change to the barrel for something else could work. The PrePro Boba used the UZI SMG with the topside graflex tube for the barrel, and that pretty much the only mod to the prop.
It looks sweet, but I agree the uzi should be made more like a star wars blaster. A simple change to the barrel for something else could work. The PrePro Boba used the UZI SMG with the topside graflex tube for the barrel, and that pretty much the only mod to the prop.
i got to hold that blaster!
Thanks for the feedback on the blaster. Not being gun savvy, I had no idea it was an Uzi! It was just an old pellet gun laying around that I thought looked unique.

I found some pics of the PreProd blaster and will definitely mod mine to look more Star Warsy. I just wish I had known before I spent so much time painting it!

Thanks again
That's looking great so far, any more progress? I hadn't realized until now..that yours was actually sliver, not white. :D
Thanks for asking...

Some progress but nothing worth photographing. Working on the vest (2nd test version but don't like the fabric), bondo on the cod (but need another layer), customizing the Uzi to be not so Uzi like (I've cut things off but haven't added anything on yet), fiberglassed the inside of the sgt fang helmet (letting it cure before trimming), and in what has turned into a project in itself, started making the gauntlets. I saw where most others have bought the gauntlets and I now understand why!!!

If I could take a week off work and stay home to do this full time, I 'd be pretty happy. Hopefully I'll have something to "show" soon.
Okay, finally some pics of a little progress: (click on thumbnails for bigger pics)

Cod piece has been bondo's, primed & painted base coat:

SgtFang Helmet Fiberglassed and Beginning to be trimmed:

Silver armor being battle damaged and corrosion. Still need black wash:

Rubies practice/display helmet starting to be painted:

Uzi being modified, still needs paint:

Finally, vest made, need to weather:
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