And So it Begins


New Hunter
Newbie here. I have just recently start on my journey in creating a Jango suit. My first attempt at any such endevour. My wife has jokingly welcomed me to my new obsession, but she is right.:thumbsup: I am frustrated that my money source is low causing me to slow down in my progress. Even more frustrated that I have to work rather than be at home working at it. Then again if you don't work you don't get the money to get the goods.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has a reasonable (aka cheap) solution for Jango's Flak Vest. I have seen the displays for the custom made vest and suit, but don't know if I can afford that option currently. Any other suggestions?
if you get it done in vinyl that would cut costs. maybe scour ebay for a black fabric paint ball type flack vest? I have a couple U.S. Navy flight suits I started weathering to fade down to a blueish-purple I was going to put on here real cheap $40 shipping included! they didn't fit my pot belly. they should fit someone around 180lb I hope you can find something that will work for you!
I wanted to show everyone where I am at with the process. You'll see that I am truely just starting out and have a long way to go, but am bound to finish as quickly as I can not withholding details of course.


I know I have posted my progress in a while, but I wanted to show where I am at in my process.



I have also begun working on my own helmet. I have put that to the side for now until I can find a suitable dome.


I now have gauntlets that I am working on making Jango style as well as a Jet Pack that need to be painted and finally I have a pair of knees that I am slowly cutting out, sanding and putting together.
Looks nice so far. You may want to see about trying to redye your jump suit though. Seems to be too purple and kind of light as well. I think once you get that sorted out you will be back on the right track. From what I can tell the rest is looking good though. Keep it up!
Hey Naush! What's up? Your costume is looking good! If you haven't found an alternative to your Jango Fett vest yet, I have a good amount of material left over. It is vinyl with a leather look and is the correct bluish-gray color. I can send it your way if you want it. Let me know :)
The vinyl, and a sleeveless t-shirt as a pattern worked well for my first boba costume.

Just remember to allow for fastening in either the sides or back.
I have been unable to find anyone that is willing to do the sewing. I know that I can't. However, on the plus side I think I have found a vest that might work. We'll see.
Getting closer. I re-dyed my suit. I think it looks better than it did before. I have the hose for the gauntlets, just need to dye those. I will have to attach my leg armor and finish my jet pack. I am very excited as I continue to get closer to completion.


It was late for me last night when I posted these pictures and just wanted to get them up before I got some sleep, but did anyone have any comments on my progress or suggestions? I of course am always looking to improve.
I can tell you what though. The first thing that I am going to upgrade, when I have the ability, is the holster. Hopefully the helmet I am working on will turn out, but that would be my next move. I am sure you can see these areas need work.
I have made great improvements in my armor. Looking at the comparison pictures I can see just how novice I was. However, i think I am now moving in the right direction.

My new thigh armor

My new breast plates


and my new shins

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