ammo pouches?


New Hunter
im starting my ammo belt, and i have heard most ppl use wood for their pouches. I am running out of time and money, and was thinking of using cardboard, but i didnt know if the viynl would stick to the cardboard using the sewing glue, or shoe goop. will it? or do i have to buy a different glue? thank you
darkjediknight said:
im starting my ammo belt, and i have heard most ppl use wood for their pouches. I am running out of time and money, and was thinking of using cardboard, but i didnt know if the viynl would stick to the cardboard using the sewing glue, or shoe goop. will it? or do i have to buy a different glue? thank you

sounds like we're in the same boat here. time and money wise. I'm gonna be experimenting today with cardboard. I'll let ya know how it goes.
yea, socks, half roll, half fold them (like a tall skinny cinnoman bun) and your golden. stays shape, smells great (..ha..) and if your get your feet wet, bingo, you have lke 4 pairs for backup.
batninja said:
I use wood for my ammo belts. I recommend it over styrofoam or socks (!), for durability. If someone were to bump into your cardboard pouches, or you were to lay something down on them during storage, you may damage them, causing them to look like prunes. :)

Here's my tutorial:

I actually did use your tutorial today, but I substituted the wood for cardboard. I made a cardboard template out of your vinyl/leather template and then just folded it, taped it, and then applied the vinyl cut from your template. I have the "box" pieces themselves done and only have one of them "wrapped" with the flap. It turned out better than I thought. You are right about durability tho. The cardboard idea is something that works well enough for halloween but I doubt it would last long as an event worthy piece.
When I finish up I'll post some pics. I'm gonna take a break now. I love the feeling of hot glue right out of the gun globbed all over your thumb. I'm lucking I didn't ruin any of the pouches during the "Oh !@$# son of a @#$% @$%^ #@$%^ @#$#%" phase. :thumbsup:
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