Ammo Pouches

Of course "too much" is purely subjective, but I got my vinyl belt from Rimshot for what I considered a good deal. The pouches are non-functional, but I figure there are enough remaining pouches that it's a moot point anyway. :)
Jancelot said:
Of course "too much" is purely subjective, but I got my vinyl belt from Rimshot for what I considered a good deal. The pouches are non-functional, but I figure there are enough remaining pouches that it's a moot point anyway. :)

Not to mention the fact that the originals were non-functional too :) If you are interested, stay tuned to the cargo hold, as i will be posting a couple more belts in the coming days.
Rimshot said:
Not to mention the fact that the originals were non-functional too :) If you are interested, stay tuned to the cargo hold, as i will be posting a couple more belts in the coming days.

Well there you go. They look superb and they're 100% functionally authentic. :D

Tip. Make sure to let everyone know that they don't open. They were sitting on my desk at work and two people came by and pried one of the covers up while I wasn't looking. Luckily it's easy to remedy and was just comical to see the look on their faces.
Jancelot said:
Well there you go. They look superb and they're 100% functionally authentic. :D

Tip. Make sure to let everyone know that they don't open. They were sitting on my desk at work and two people came by and pried one of the covers up while I wasn't looking. Luckily it's easy to remedy and was just comical to see the look on their faces.

I usually always try to put that in my for sale posts, but every once in a while i forget. Sorry that happened to ya. I will definitely do better to tell people now:)
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