am i heading in the right direction


Well-Known Hunter
Hy ppl

Just need a little advise. In the attached pics are my bucket project, on the left is how it is at the mo and on the right is how it would look if i lessened the height of the mandibles. Should i shorten them or not?

btw i plan to bring the mandibles closer together, and also the ears are only temporarily stuck on as this is not the final cast of the bucket.


Cheers swede

the version on the right i approx the right dimensions in regards to the mandibles i think although the crown is about 10mm to high.

I once visited Gothenburg back in 1989 when i worked for Volvo in the Uk. Has it changed much? I remember staying at a lovely hotel on the left hand side of the harbour (i will return one day :) )
The length of your mandibles in this image might be an optical illusion. Because you are taking a sort of overheard shot, they look stretched. Try more head on. Notice the back edge of the helmet between the mandibles? That seems really high to me. Try a lower angle shot for comparison.
I will attempt to take a better pic tonight and repost. all your comments are really important to me as I plan to recast next week and i want the bucket as good as i can get it
I would shorten them, assuming you have the ability to withstand shortening, for example, if shortening them would expose your chin, dont. theres some paint techniques you can use to make them LOOK shorter in that case, but it wont be screen accurate, but itll fit your head, wich is more important to you? screen accurate or fitting? (depends on case, some arent worn) if you can shorten without showing your chin, go for it. just be careful and cut cleanly.
I got the ear pieces off someone on this forum (thanks Fettser). If you post a thread on the Cargo Hold you might get some offers.
welsh_bounty_hunter said:
wow . .thats all scratchbuilt?! nice work

I'll wait until i finally pull the final fibreglass one out of the mould before i receive the praise :lol:

I keep cutting the thing up to modify it. The process of taking the final cast is always 'just around the corner'. Hopefully next month :lol:
terminal fettler said:
ok, i think im in the right thread now, i'd be interested to see any mould pics, mine is a few weeks from that stage...

:lol: my bucket seems to be leap frogging across the board:lol:

Terminal - i will take various pics of the moulding process and the fibreglassing process. Once completed i will post them and also pm you :)

Any pics of your progress would be greatly appreciated.

hi Ronin, ive got bogged down with the hardware casting, its a mine field, ill post pics shortly. Are you doing a skin mould then fibre glass jacket for the helmet? Cheers, TF.....
I will be doing a silicone mould straight over the bucket and then plaster cast over the silicone. cut the plaster in half once dry and then strip the silicone from the bucket, hey presto. i will see if i can find the thread detailing this procedure.
sounds good thats how i did my first, however try runing a clay fence down the middle, from front to back. plaster one half, wait for it to dry , paint on slurry so the second half dosnt stick, theyll come apart without you having to cut it! does this make any sense? TF
TF - thanks for that. I have been pondering over that very problem for a while now. Everything from cardboard to grease. I think you have just solved my problem :)

thanks mate
Ronin, looking pretty good.

With the way your scratch boots turned out i'm sure you'll be able to get this to come out great.

good luck

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