Alternative to a Holster

I was just playing Gears of War, and noticed that you kinda just throw the gun on your back when you switch primaries...anyways, my point is: has anyone tried a metal back plate and attached strong/small magnets to there gun(s), to have a gun on your back rather than a jet pack for a custom?
just a thought, i have some guns that i was thinking of trying this with, when i finally get to my back plate that is.

any thoughts, or if anyones tried this, comments are welcome :cheers
I'm planning on doing this with my pack and I'm just going to epoxy a metal plate to one side of the pack and sink magnets in the gun. Pretty easy rig and a cool feature.
Funny this should come up...

My inspiration for this idea was one of the halo trailers, where master chief throws his assault rifle over his shoulder, it clicks to his backplate, and starts running, and after awhile he reaches over his back, pulls it over and jumps into a pile of enemies.

I have a suit of WB, which is metal, and a nerf longshot. i'm in the process of buying some rare earth metal magnets, fixing them to the main body of the rifle, and coating it in something so it doesn't scratch all the paint off.

It's a while off starting, but once i get started, i'll post up progress pics.
Funny this should come up...

My inspiration for this idea was one of the halo trailers, where master chief throws his assault rifle over his shoulder, it clicks to his backplate, and starts running, and after awhile he reaches over his back, pulls it over and jumps into a pile of enemies.

I have a suit of WB, which is metal, and a nerf longshot. i'm in the process of buying some rare earth metal magnets, fixing them to the main body of the rifle, and coating it in something so it doesn't scratch all the paint off.

It's a while off starting, but once i get started, i'll post up progress pics.

awesome, when i thought of this, the first thing i thought about was wickedbeards armor...and i have a longshot too, so it would be nice to see someone beta test this idea...before i take the dive, lol :cheers
Somebody did this with a modified droid blaster toy. He extended the mid section to be a veeeery long, and use a couple of what looks like "C" clips. Though I would think that it would reakthe plastic when you try to get at it.

In the Mummy Returns, O'Connel has a sheath holster on his back for his mad max like shotgun.
Somebody did this with a modified droid blaster toy. He extended the mid section to be a veeeery long, and use a couple of what looks like "C" clips. Though I would think that it would reakthe plastic when you try to get at it.

In the Mummy Returns, O'Connel has a sheath holster on his back for his mad max like shotgun.
I was the one who did that (even though I am sure I am not the only one.) I used a modified Grevious blaster and I attached clips to my back armor plate. I was thinking about doing the magnets. But can you really get magnets that are strong enough to hold a long shot ( I have one also) and not slide off?? AND are not the size of dinner plates??
I was the one who did that (even though I am sure I am not the only one.) I used a modified Grevious blaster and I attached clips to my back armor plate. I was thinking about doing the magnets. But can you really get magnets that are strong enough to hold a long shot ( I have one also) and not slide off?? AND are not the size of dinner plates??

Makes you wonder if you can make a small electromagnet that's strong enough to work. If you could find a rechargeable battery of 12v or more, then you may be able to use a step-up transformer to push the voltage up enough to get a good strong electromagnetic pull close to the metal plate, then the magnets on the weapon would just add the extra counter-pull it would need to hang on. I think you would still need something for the weapon to rest on, or it's going to slide off when the batteries begin to get low. I think it's definitely something to tinker with
I hate to burst anyone's bubble, but if you plan on trooping with this "magnetic" back holster setup, you might want to have a "handler" or you'll be running after your blaster rifles most of the troop. From what I understand, kids are very proficient at snatching up blasters from actual holsters, so I can easily imagine blasters held on by magnets being snatched up, dropped and at the worst, broken. It really is a neat idea though, one that I'd even consider working on as a project but it just doesn't seem very practical for a standard troop.

As I've said, maybe with a handler it's feasable, but even then it seems kinda risky.
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