A Whos Who of Fan Made buckets-


Active Hunter
Hey all,

I am curious- I was recently checking out tk1536.com and he's got a list of what I assume are major TK armor makers, and basic write-ups on each one... Has anything like this ever been done about Boba Fett buckets? Has anyone ever compiled a listing of the differences between what I guess you could call the best of the best helmets?

Off the top of my head, I can think of the following "makes" of Fett Helmets: (With names abbreviated because even though I know people post the names regularly... I don't want to step on any toes)


And then the only one I really know about is TF, mainly because thats what I own. I know a bit about SF's helmets, and BM's helmets as well. Can anyone else fill me in on the other makes, and any other I may have missed? (sorry if I did miss someone's helmets- its just these are the types I see mentioned most often.) I know there are definitely some regulars aronud here whose knowledge on the subject is much better then mine, plus there are the makers themselves if they'd like to chime in on the vital information about their creations.

Eventually, I think it'd be neat to have one of each of the major helmet variations, each by a different Helmet maker.

As far as I know, the MSH1 and 2 were sculpted by Fett Pride(FP). I know that the MSH2 is definitely but the first might have started as someone else's.

The Bobamaker is also hand sculpted.

Sgtfang and MS both started based on what many believe to be a reworked pp2 cast. Sgtfang offers a cleaned up but still pretty raw version of what he created his bucket from. Also Sgtfang's bucket is resin.

MS has gone through 3 revisions thus far. The most current bucket, the MS3, has had a lot of work done to clean it up an make it more accurate to the movie bucket. The MS3 is fiber glassed on the inside.

I own a sgtfang and an MS3 so those are the ones that I know better than the others.
Dont forget the MLC1 and MLC2.

Ok, these two I don't know anything about at all. Whats MLC stand for? (time to go search I suppose!)

And I've also heard that MSH2 is really rare? Was this because there was a limited run made by FP? Is there a hard number of how many MSH2's there are out there?

Like TF's helmet is Cold Cast aluminum, done in ESB style and I believe there has only been one run of them in which ten pulls were made and offered for sale.

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And I've also heard that MSH2 is really rare? Was this because there was a limited run made by FP? Is there a hard number of how many MSH2's there are out there?

Yes, FP made a limited run of the MSH2 about 3+ years ago. Last I checked there were no plans to make more.
I believe there are less than 10 MLC1s and around 10 MLC2s.

I love my MLC1 both of them actually but it is a HUGE bucket. Straight out of the mold it is not very accurate and is very oversized buit for thos of us Fetts that are over 6'3" it is the way to go IMO.

Anyone have a MLC1 that they are looking to get rid of let me know! I want 2 more!!! No I am serious!!! I only know of 1 other MLC1 and that is Chucks.
The MSH1, MSH2 and the TF are all Large sized helmets that I think work great for tall folks. I have both an MSH1 and a TF and there about the same size and look correct on me. I am 6' 6".

Your forgetting the SkyGunBro and the StarFortress, and the Sithplanet helmets... allthough I belive the Starfortress to just be a recast of the DP statue helmet.
The MSH1, MSH2 and the TF are all Large sized helmets that I think work great for tall folks. I have both an MSH1 and a TF and there about the same size and look correct on me. I am 6' 6".

Now Evan, are the MLC helemts also called MSH? I still don't exactly know what MLC stands for. And as for the TF bucket, it is big but it seems in line with the look of ESB Fett- I'm 6' and I think its just right. But then I could see how something smaller would look even moreso on a taller person.

Your forgetting the SkyGunBro and the StarFortress, and the Sithplanet helmets... allthough I belive the Starfortress to just be a recast of the DP statue helmet.

Does anyone have any vital info on Skygunbros helmet? I knew he did helmets, but in my short time here I've never heard of a SGB helmet, same with Sithplanet- but if they are quality helmets that are known in the fandom then I'd like to know about them as well.

As for Starfortress- well its starfortress and I think we all know enough bad things about them. Same with Adiamfilter (or whatever the name is) on ebay.


The SGB is a reworking of a Sgn Fang mystery.

The MLC is just named after its creater. MLCatlanta. The TF is made for ESB but with a small mod can be perfect for a ROTJ as well.

You may want to go with a Sgn Fang to be honest... its just as wide as a MLC1, MSH2 or TF but shorter. You want your neck to show. If the helmet is to tall then it dosnt show your kneck.
The MSH1, MSH2 and the TF are all Large sized helmets that I think work great for tall folks. I have both an MSH1 and a TF and there about the same size and look correct on me. I am 6' 6".

And on the flip side, at 5'9" I found my MSH2 just way too big. Switching to an MS3 worked much better on me.

I think that's a great benefit of putting together a list like this... people can find the bucket that matches their needs best.
And on the flip side, at 5'9" I found my MSH2 just way too big. Switching to an MS3 worked much better on me.

I think that's a great benefit of putting together a list like this... people can find the bucket that matches their needs best.

All this talk scares me, since I am nearing completion of my MSH1:facepalm
All this talk scares me, since I am nearing completion of my MSH1:facepalm

let me see if i can find good comparison pics of me in the 2 versions...

this is the msh2:


and this is the ms3:


i had about the same amount of padding in both helmets. you can see how much more neck i have in the ms3 :)
The SGB is a reworking of a Sgn Fang mystery.

The MLC is just named after its creater. MLCatlanta. The TF is made for ESB but with a small mod can be perfect for a ROTJ as well.

You may want to go with a Sgn Fang to be honest... its just as wide as a MLC1, MSH2 or TF but shorter. You want your neck to show. If the helmet is to tall then it dosnt show your kneck.

I'll bear this all in mind one the next Helmet, Hows the MSH3 and BM match up? That was probably eventually going to be my next helmet. But I gotta say that even though I don't have anything other then the helmet right now, I have plenty of neck showing. About as much as you see in screencaps. It may be because I have a bit of a long face and head.

Check it out-


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