A little Jango gauntlet project


Well-Known Hunter
Here's a small project I've been working on for a fellow member and his son. Hopefully they'll be happy with the progress so far. I know I'm having fun building them. :D






Thanks guys for your approvals! TK2280, I hope your son will like em.

A little more progress on them tonight. I can hardly wait for the clear 5/16" OD PVC braided hose to arrive. I'd like to see what these things look like with mini blue Jango hose.

I'm also waiting for some silicone to arrive so that I can make a mold of the flamethrower unit seen in the pics. Then I'll make pulls with "feather light" resin just as I did with the ripcord unit to help keep the weight down. Right now each gauntlet weights in at 9.5 oz.




my son just saw the new pics and asked if he could get some for his costume:lol: I told him maybe if he keeps his toys picked up for the next 2 weeks:lol:
My Brother and dear friend. It amazes us how much time and effort you put into this. For you see my friend, this shows how you care for other Mandalorians on this board.

Sniff on my dear brother! Sniff on!
And good job on the Guants!:)
Thanks guys. I worked a little on the flamethrower nozzles tonight. They are tiiiiiiny.:lol: I'm also in the middle of doing a test pull of the right top shell in aluminum filled resin and then backing it with high density foam to see if I can decrease some of the weight added by doing the shells in fiberglass.

Foxbatkllr, I really wish FP would put his latest gauntlets into production because I feel his are the ultimate and there is definitely a huge need here.

TK2280, tell him Uncle Cruzer's got his back!;)

Thanks The Sniffer. Making stuff for the kids has always seemed more fun than it is work. And making stuff for other member's little ones works out perfectly since my son is at an age where he doesn't care to suit up much any more. I just feel those younger years need to be cherished because it seems like they grow up oh so fast.

littlebekahc, do I know you?

...just kidding lil' sister. Yeah these gauntlets probably would fit you...finish your degree yet?:angry :lol: :love

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Foxbatkllr, I really wish FP would put his latest gauntlets into production because I feel his are the ultimate and there is definitely a huge need here.

..i agree ;)
:lol: :lol: You guys are funnnnny! And it was supposed to be a secret that these gauntlets were for me!:lol:

What's funny is these gauntlets are approx. 3/4 the size of regular adult gauntlets!:eek: So they just may fit some members here depending on their height and/or age.

Nevertheless, thanks guys for the comps.

Well, TK2280, I'm sure you are ready for these things. The hose came in yesterday. The outer diameter is a small 5/16" so it fits perfectly and dyed up nicely. I got the nozzles done and so here is the latest update.

If mini blue Jango gauntlet hose doesn't shout "CUTE!"...then I don't know what does!!;)

And last and most important...Dark-Side being the great guy he is has offered to make a left gauntlet missile that's scaled to these gauntlets. I'll be able to mold it and make copies available to everyone who has a pair of these gauntlets.
Thanks Dark-Side!




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Thank you:thumbsup: Thank you:thumbsup: Thank you:thumbsup:
They look great, My son is going to love them:thumbsup: They will be the thing that makes the rest of the costume look good. I know I will get a ton of people at the Con he goes to asking about them. :cheers

Thanks again for all your hard work. I will be sure to post pics of his finished costume. I still have a bit more work on the bucket to go. again, thank you (thats my kid hug'n you for your hard work not me:lol: )
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