a change of mind....


Hey guys, i joined this forum a few years ago in hopes of getting my ROTJ Fett rolling..... then my wife got pregnant. So much for that idea!

Well 2.5 years later my beautyful daughter is a little more independant and i have more time for myself (on a limited basis, of course). While i was away i did keep buying Fett peices here and there in hopes of someday building my ROTJ Fett. Heres the problem.... i want to do a ESB Fett now. I think as far as the armor is concerened, the gauntlets are the only difference, right? If that is the case, then what would i have to do to convert my ROTJ gauntlets to ESB and is there anybody who can help me with any parts i my need? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

EVO3 said:
Hey guys, i joined this forum a few years ago in hopes of getting my ROTJ Fett rolling..... then my wife got pregnant. So much for that idea!

Well 2.5 years later my beautyful daughter is a little more independant and i have more time for myself (on a limited basis, of course). While i was away i did keep buying Fett peices here and there in hopes of someday building my ROTJ Fett. Heres the problem.... i want to do a ESB Fett now. I think as far as the armor is concerened, the gauntlets are the only difference, right? If that is the case, then what would i have to do to convert my ROTJ gauntlets to ESB and is there anybody who can help me with any parts i my need? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Who made your gauntlets??
I think as far as the armor is concerened, the gauntlets are the only difference, right?

Your right for the most part, the gauntlets/gloves/ammo belt and gun are different but everything else is the same, the big difference is everything is colored differently from ESB to ROTJ, and on the ESB fett If your going for accuracy you have to add the sidearm.
i believe i got them from Ruffkintoy almost 2 years ago. I still have the PM in my mailbox! :lol:

Anyways, i just noticed that the ESB gauntlets have a flamethrower on the side. Is that the only difference between the two?
No, the shape of the right gauntlet is a little different. Contact Ruffkin he now makes ESB gauntlets and can probally fill you in and get you the parts you need.
EVO3 said:
i believe i got them from Ruffkintoy almost 2 years ago. I still have the PM in my mailbox! :lol:

Anyways, i just noticed that the ESB gauntlets have a flamethrower on the side. Is that the only difference between the two?

Send a PM to Ruffkintoy. You can buy the ESB parts you need from him.
Delta75 said:
Don't forget about the cape, its different too

Yeah, i know. luckily, most of what i had was the helmet, armor and boots. Didnt really have any of the soft parts untill after i changed my mind to do ESB. So im pretty set as far as the soft parts go. Thanks though!
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