2nd run of sfp jumpsuits

fett texas ranger

Active Hunter
sorry but we need a thread so we can talk to each other about our suits. not just the man we ordered from. aint going to no good pm'n someone who didnt make them. not his fault if someone has an issue. we all can help each other out.

if someone post on here that shouldnt, make it where they cant post on this thread. dont punish us who ordered the suits that we cant even talk to each other about the suits WE ORDERED.

I actually asked Mirax to lock the thread, because despite warnings certain people couldn't control themselfs about making negative comments. So don't get upset with her.
I checked my shin tools out to see if they fit, a few people had said theirs didn't, but mine fit just fine. So, thats good news.:)
Since my shin tools won't fit and it seems others don't either, what are the dimensions that they should be?

Now I've gotta go get it dirty? How are y'all going to do yours?
not upset with her. but say person A bought a suit and B bought a suit and if they have the same problem and one of them figured out how to deal with it. it would be people running in circles to get a hold of each other. this way they can just post. like i said. dont punish us. punish those who keep doing what they are doing. two people to take care of. dont punish the 20 some odd people.

sithlord23 said:
I checked my shin tools out to see if they fit, a few people had said theirs didn't, but mine fit just fine. So, thats good news.:)

what tools do you have. i have darth flans and they dont even start to go in. and besides the pouches being so low on my pants.

The pockets on the SFP Jumpsuit are made to fit their Shin Tools, which seem to be smaller than most other copies. In most cases just moving the partition thread in each pocket should work.
MonCal said:
Since my shin tools won't fit and it seems others don't either, what are the dimensions that they should be?

Now I've gotta go get it dirty? How are y'all going to do yours?

:lol: you should have seen mine. all dirty all ready. :lol: thats one plus

fett-texas ranger said:
what tools do you have. i have darth flans and they dont even start to go in. and besides the pouches being so low on my pants.


I actually have a pair that I bought off of Ebay, about 2 years ago, he did sell me my jet pack as well. And anyone who has seen the pics I've posted of that, say the size and shape of the pack look pretty good.:)
So, I'm assuming from the photos, and references I've seen over the couple of years, my shin tools he made look pretty spot on, as to the shape & design, but who knows, they might be a little small, compared to the originals.

hope that helps a little:)
I agree with FettTexas Ranger, my comments have nothing to do with Predatormv, only with the jumpsuit itself. I ordered the "TK409 gray" and it does not match the light gray I got originally (the one for which this color was apparently named) It's more like a lavender! Anyone else think "purple?" when they opened their package? Now my wife says she does not see lavender, but gray. I'll shoot a photo and compare.
I really like the color of my suit. I think it looks awesome. I am not sure what these little drops of glue are all about in a bunch of different places but the fit and overall look are awesome. I would have been a bit more upset about the glue drips if I weren't going to weather the hell out of the suit but they will just add to the look I guess.
Trooper TK409 said:
I agree with FettTexas Ranger, my comments have nothing to do with Predatormv, only with the jumpsuit itself. I ordered the "TK409 gray" and it does not match the light gray I got originally (the one for which this color was apparently named) It's more like a lavender! Anyone else think "purple?" when they opened their package? Now my wife says she does not see lavender, but gray. I'll shoot a photo and compare.

Meh, I was considering SFP's jumpsuit but now I dunno.

I don't want a bloody purple suit. :P

Keep us posted.
Trooper TK409 said:
I agree with FettTexas Ranger, my comments have nothing to do with Predatormv, only with the jumpsuit itself. I ordered the "TK409 gray" and it does not match the light gray I got originally (the one for which this color was apparently named) It's more like a lavender! Anyone else think "purple?" when they opened their package? Now my wife says she does not see lavender, but gray. I'll shoot a photo and compare.

As I stated in the other thread (prior to being chastised & silenced) Mine is purplish. I guess if someone else states a problem with thiers, it's ok for me to say it.
Since my suit was not "part" of the second run , but part of the first run that had to be re-ordered due to some problems, and arrived at the same time as the second run, can I still post in this thread?
The jumpsuit isn't purple, but has a slight touch of lavender, that's true. Though, you can bleach it easily and that hue will dissapear.
T-Visor said:
The jumpsuit isn't purple, but has a slight touch of lavender, that's true. Though, you can bleach it easily and that hue will dissapear.

yeah thats find and tandy. but we all wanted the "tk409" color. pretty simple. should not have to bleach. i understand about fixing sizes since these were not custom sizes but typical m, l, xl. still, mine was made oddball size where each side is different. but having to change the color of something that more then half asked for is crazy.

I wanted to officially post my thanks to Predatormv, for putting this run together. :cheers I got my suit the other day and it fits as expected. Which is perfect for me.

I could not get a custom suit (XL on top, L on bottom) during the run, so I ordered the XL knowing I would have to alter the suit to fit me properly. I must say that the from the waist up, it fits great. As expected the legs are too long and the pants are too baggy, but that is easily fixed.

I did not notice a color difference, but I am interested in seeing TK409's comparison pics.

Thanks again Predatormv.
gorman said:
The pockets on the SFP Jumpsuit are made to fit their Shin Tools, which seem to be smaller than most other copies. In most cases just moving the partition thread in each pocket should work.

I had no difficulties with putting Darth Flan's shin tools into the pockets. The SFP Tools might be a bit smaller than the original parts, but not over-the-top.
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Just got mine today and I want to extend my thanks to Predatormv for organizing this. I appreciate all of his efforts.

Unfortunately my suit does not fit. It is too tight around the waist, neck and my upper thighs. And for you funny guys - no I di not gain weight - trust me I checked :)

So I guess it is off to the Cargo Hold for some lucky person.

Thanks again Predatormv!

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