Art Andrews

Boba Fett Second Prototype Helmet

The Second Prototype Boba Fett helmet is often referred to as the Preproduction #2 helmet, prepo 2 helmet, or simply PP2 helmet.

This helmet was painted by Sandy Dhuyvetter's Daydream Productions.

This helmet is noteworthy because it is the source of the Don Post Boba Fett helmet line as well as the only original helmet whose castings have been made available to the public. It is also noteworthy because it is the only original helmet that is known to be in a private collection.

These photos show the Second Prototype Boba Fett helmet as it exists today, in the hands of a private collector. Like most of the other helmets, this helmet has taken considerable damage over the years. Most notable are two deep gouges that travel from the rear of the helmet over the dome. These were sustained when the helmet was cast for Don Post Studios.
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Boba Fett Second Prototype
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Art Andrews
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