Photo with Mark Hamill - Complete!


Active Hunter

So this is the final product. Everything was going so smooth that day, but then my antenna broke as we were walking to the photo area and wouldn't stay up. They usher you in so quick and you literally have seconds with him. I was just able to mumble "cuffs?" and he excitedly said "sure". I was trying to stand in a way that gravity wouldn't let my rangefinder fall and wasn't even ready when the camera snapped, but at least Mark seemed to be:lol:

After that, took off my bucket and thanked him. Ended up using a small dab of supeglue to hold it up from the rest of the con.

Carrie Fisher at NYCC is next.

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@Verbal21 how about taking the Imperial Binders and putting them on him? "Captured"

It's poopie, but we just got word binders are a no no from our Garrison CO :(

I do like that idea, and I suppose as long as you're not attending as part of a 501st troop, it's still something you could try.
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It's poopie, but we just got word binders are a no no from our Garrison CO :(

I do like that idea, and I suppose as long as you're not attending as part of a 501st troop, it's still something you could try.

What Garrison are you in? We have two pilot reserves in ours and those binders are always a hit. Why would they ban them?
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@Verbal21 Golden Gate. Here's the update: *NOTE: Imperial Binders | NOT APPROVED For Use*

The Imperial Binders that are currently offered for sale by Disney and are widely popular are NOT APPROVED for use. I have a set myself.

Current position by Lucasfilm, Ltd. / Disney is that Binders are NOT to be used on fans by us in any manner whatsoever.

Also, please note that Binders CAN be made part of you costume ONLY if they appear in the CRL | Costume Reference Library | Costume Specific | Optional Accessories.
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If you know someone with a Luke lightsaber, you can hold the saber while he holds the EE-3 with both of you wearing a confused face/posture. That's what I'd do at least.
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@dv8r @Verbal21 well are you taking the photo as a fan or representing the 501st in the photo? There is a difference. There are plenty of people who dress as Star Wars characters who are not 501st members who go to cons as fans and do what they do. I say if you are dressed as a fan, not representing the 501st, you will be okay. I think ultimately, it is up to the person you are taking the photo with to do what they are comfortable with. As long as you do it in good taste. I do not see a problem with it. If you are trooping as 501st legion member or it is an OFFICIAL 501st event, then rules are rules and you must abide by them.
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@dv8r @Verbal21 well are you taking the photo as a fan or representing the 501st in the photo? There is a difference. There are plenty of people who dress as Star Wars characters who are not 501st members who go to cons as fans and do what they do. I say if you are dressed as a fan, not representing the 501st, you will be okay. I think ultimately, it is up to the person you are taking the photo with to do what they are comfortable with. As long as you do it in good taste. I do not see a problem with it. If you are trooping as 501st legion member or it is an OFFICIAL 501st event, then rules are rules and you must abide by them.

Yes, of course. You're absolutely correct, I was mentioning the 501st post mostly just to relay the information.
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See if he'll let you wrap a small rope around him and connect it to your gauntlet
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I should be ok then. I paid seperately for my Expo ticket so I'm not going as part of the 501st. I think I'll go with the binder idea, wish me luck.
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I would get a sign and hold it up next to you when you stand with Mark Hamster.... "MOOF MILKER ---->"
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