This is great, thanks! My old fridge died last week, it was a Whirlpool with brushed aluminum metal housing. I removed those and have plans on using them to build the Mando armor. (Chest, legs, shins, neck, shoulders.) And these blueprints will help me as I can print them out, put them over the top of the metal and cut.
These are GREAT,putting together the armour for my son who's 10.
A wee bit of measuring up then adjusting to the template to accommodate his frame and finally print and trim.:)
I really hate to ask stupid questions, but I am usually pretty technologically literate which makes it even stranger for me to ask. But the instructions say that if I'm 5'11" I'd have to print the large template at 197.2%. However, these images are very high resolution, and even at 100% that makes the images about 72" across for just half of the chest piece.

Am I missing something? Should I print at 600dpi or something?
I'm in the same boat as Tassit. I'm trying to figure how to print the Large template at 197.3% for a 6'2 individual. Any assitance would be greatly appreciated.
What size do you need? I have down to 48" but I can work up a set to whatever size you need.

For those that are having printing issues, send me a PM with your email and what size you need and I'll send out a PDF file

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Been thinking about building a JF costume for about a year and been eyeing these templates, so very good they are. Thanks WOF.

The only question I have is the thread says gauntlet templates were added but I don't see them...were they removed? Are they in another thread now? Found the knee and helmet threads so all I'm missing are the gauntlets.



Found the thread here (posting for future reference):


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You just need to download the 5-9 PDF file and have Acrobat print them on standard 8.5 X 11 paper, use the "Fit to page" setting. I reworked all the flies.

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