Yet another RoTJ Pack thread - Bobamaker brand


Active Hunter
Thought I would toss in my pics of my BobaMaker Jet Pack.

Used a combination of spray paints and airbrush:



Jet Masking:

I use the 3M blue painters tape, (i stick it to my shirt for an extra precaution) to prevent paint lift.

Also use paper over big expanses of are to minimize tape pull.

Windsor and Newton Masking fluid for the damage areas. (not shown :lol: ).

Notice my laptop, always good to have references on hand to be accurate.

Blue paint:

Engine bell mask:


I used electrical tape for sharp egdes - like the lines for the bells. (the red/black are hand painted)


and now with the masking removed:


Still need to weather it more, add the black stripes, lettering, and clean up some of the overspray.

(sorry - but some of the colors are washed out in the pics - it looks darker and more accurate in real light)

My plan is to carve out the beacon to add a light to it, here is the start of that mini-project.


Used a drill press to drill it out (it's resin)
Bobamaker mounted threaded rod to the ends, once you insert it into the pack, a simple washer and wingnut holds them in place.

The rocket on the top is setup the same way.

in the future, I may rig up some roller bearings inside there to allow them to rotate on their own, in regard to the position of the pack, but no time atm.
Here is the finished product:


I also added a light to the beacon:


fuzzy pic with no flash:

(gotta stop drinking when i take pictures)

and a shot in real sunlight:

Have to give props to Bobamaker - this is one fine JP! :jet pack
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