Wookie Scalps and/or Padawan Braids

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Migrate from As You Wish

I went to Michael's as well, but got braided doll hair. It was like $3 or $4. They only had dark brown. They are 5 feet long. When I get the right length, I'll just cut and it should be perfect.

I'll post a pic of the braids a little later tonight- don't my ref material on my at the moment. I could tell you dark brown, a sandy blondish color, but you'd still have no idea of the actual color. So, I'll let the pics speak for themselves.

Here are the pics:




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shawnpane wrote:O.K. fella's
Bear with me,What if you went to A beauty supply place.Buy the
hair they use for extensions.You can get any color you want.I'n
my opinion this is A great altenative to using doll hair.Also
I beleive it looks much more realistic.

If you are going for realism this is definitely an option although real hair is VERY expensive and you need a LOT of it. However, the type of braids that are on the real suit are the exact same cheap synthetic material that is seen in the braids sold by Michaels. Also, we did some comparisons when I was at MoM and the premade braids are almost the exact right thickness!!! Now if we could just find that blond braid...
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if you cant find blonde buy some blonde colored yarn and fray it a bit, then braid and fraay some more that is what i did i wanted a light choc colored one .

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I got some at Walmart. Now technically, it isnt braided doll hair. It was "rope". It is a kinda gold rope, and brown that is 2 pieces twisted together. I just gave them to my mom, all unravled and she french braided it for me to look like the scalps. Hope that helps. And it is 27 cents a yard!
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O.K. fella's
Bear with me,What if you went to A beauty supply place.Buy the
hair they use for extensions.You can get any color you want.I'n
my opinion this is A great altenative to using doll hair.Also
I beleive it looks much more realistic.
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Not to step on anyones toes, but I heard that you could get the lengths of braided hair at craft stores like Michael's. I guess they would be located in the doll section or something and they are pretty cheap, but I did not know this when I bought mine off of eBay. :cry

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Yup, that's right. I bought my braids at Michaels for a whopping $2.99 each. What a killer huh? :lol: They had black, brown and blonde.
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Hey! If you are going to do another run I would love to see a set like this with the black, blonde and black/dirty white combo! I can't remember whose suit this is from ;) but I dig it!!!


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I've seen that set as well. I've seen a lot of Fett pics where he has a brown, a red, and a blond braid, but I've ALSO seen a pic where he has what has to be at least TEN braids also. There are skinny and fat braids, and the black/blonde combo braid is in that pic as well. If I can find that pic of Fett and his many braids, I'll post it. :)

I'm going to do a dark brown (almost black) and blonde combo braid for myself. I'll post a pic, and if you like it, I can do one for you and anyone else who might be interested. :D
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Fetthunter and Mr Fett, you are both right. I think what makes it look so different is that below the pic I posted above is where the braids get seperated and look like about 10 braids in all and depending on which was it is turned it can look like many different variations. However, Fetthunter is right, there is another completely diff config. I'll see if I can post pics of it.


Here is a pic of the bottom of the same set of braids posted above.


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In the pic that Brak's posted above, you'll notice that the blonde repeats every few inches, then stops. I can't figure out how they did that with "standard" braiding techniques, UNLESS what they did was use REAL brunette human (or horse, etc.) hair, and then bleach it every few inches to create the blond look. You can see in each blonde section, that there are a few black hairs here and there. I don't know if this is the result of sloppy braiding, or the result of some of the brunette hair not getting enough bleach on it... :confused

I haven't tried bleaching synthetic hair... YET. Hair bleach may not work on it, but something else (that you wouldn't dare put on REAL hair) might do the trick... ;)

I'll experiment and let you know. :)
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Wookie Scalps..How many?

How many scalps are used on the original fett.. and what colours. I see with the mom photos that it looks like a few scalps.. but that could be from wrapping them around the arm... which would give the illusion of more then what there is... Anyone know the correct amount.. and colours used?? If not.. then I guess the more the better... to show more kills of those furry creatures...lol

I'm under the impression, as I'm sure most of us are, that there are three only. Blonde, Black, Brunette.

But don't fear, TylerDurden is powering up his digital right now and pulling the suit out of his closet to come to aid us...

won't be long now ;)

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Uh, did I hear hear my name somewhere?? :lol:

Actually my ESB braids were out getting their hair washed (it has been 20 plus years).

I have been over the braids at MOM and AOSW, but I believe ESB had one braid that was like a platinum blonde, and dark brown/black braid, and also a very yellow blonde braid.
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If someone can help me, PM me. I cannot find good hair at HobbyLobby or any of the beauty supply shops around here. Tired of looking and time is running out.
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Went to Wally World tonight, bought doll hair, couldnt untangle enough of it for a strand, let alone a braid. This sucks....
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The hair I got at wal mart was pre braided. I just frazzled it a bit. It's a little thick though, I might look for some thinner stuff.
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