who makes durable Jango gauntlets ?


Active Hunter
Fellow Fetts:

Who makes durable Jango gauntlets? Please pm me. Thanks. ;)

After trooping with my current gauntlets they are starting to crack.
What you seek are FettPride or Man Of War guantlets. I am not sure who else make fiberglass guantlets.

If the one you have are fiberglass, then you should stop using them as a hammer. :lol:
I have Richie's Armor gauntlets now. But someone told me about Man Of War guantlets and they're $300. That's too much. Does FettPride make them for less? Thanks. ;)
If you are not just looking for a durable gauntlets, if you are even looking for the BEST jango gauntlets: Go to man of war. I´m about receiving them, i´ll post pics once I do. But from pics they looks outstanding.
Yea. Mine are cracked as if I was using them in battle or something.
I paid a lot of money for those suckers! Haw can I get in touch w/MOW?
lilburndiablo said:
Yea. Mine are cracked as if I was using them in battle or something.
I paid a lot of money for those suckers! How can I get in touch w/MOW?

Me too. How can I get in touch with MOW? Thanks. ;)
Howdy :D

Man of War Here...just finishing up another few sets of Jango gauntlets for some very patient collectors out there..send me a pm if your still interested !?

Thanks again everyone for your patience...gauntlets coming soon !

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