Who is this midget Boba?


Well-Known Hunter
heh heh:lol: :lol:

OMG !!!!!!

You wittle waskle !!!

You !#@$@!#$@@# !!!!!

You gotta have the best BOBA TOO ????????? :lol:


So, we gonna talk this weekend or NOT !!!

Delta75 said:
How tall are you?

Since he "Hit and Ran", I'll answer for him ... :lol:

He's 5 ft. 6.

Who said that shorter stature members couldn't wear an MSH2 ! :eek:

Actually I think he looks very proportionate ... VERY NICE !

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Knowing Seeker.. The tape temporarily holding the knees in place and around the ankles is probably the same kind they used when making the real Boba costume. :p ;)

Looking good so far dude. :thumbsup: :)

:cheers to ya.
looks great, but the paint job on the guantlets is somewhat lacking ;)

seriously though, it looks great, and very proportional. did you have to pad the helmet up in the top much? i'm 5'8" and found the msh2 a bit too big for my head. maybe i just have a really short neck ;)
Thanks guys. Actually what you see here is stuff that I haven't touch in a year or so. I'v been waiting for some main parts. ;)

I had a little time today to mess around. The jumpsuit is a loaner, I'm still waiting for someone who could make an accurate one in my area. I want it to be perfect the first time.

Thanks FP. Actuall all my armor parts are yours. Thanks man.

Delta - yep, like FP said 5'6"

Jun Garros Fett - I got a kick out of your comment. Very funny.:lol: thank you

Desloc - :lol:

Texasfet - Fettpride guants

TK7602 - Yep, I always use pads on all my helmets so that i could look perfectly out of the visor. Plus I like the snug fit.

Wes - i just need to add the darts. Does MLC still make them?

Thanks again guys. Maybe one of these days when i have time I'll finally complete this baby.
Delta75 said:
I do too, which gives me hope:lol:
I'm 5' 7"

I wouldn't sweat it at all @ 5 ft 7 man. Remember, that John Morton played Boba Fett too ... you know his face as Luke's Snowspeeder Gunner in ESB. He's only about 5 ft 7, not much taller than Mark Hamil. He stood in for Jeremy Bulloch in a couple of ESB scenes, one of which was the "He's no good to me dead" scene. The other notable scene was standing next to Vader in the dining room before Vader grabbed Han's blaster. The next time you watch ESB, take a good look at that one ... you can see how he fills out the suit.

fettpride said:
The other notable scene was standing next to Vader in the dining room before Vader grabbed Han's blaster.

wow, i knew about the other scene, but didn't realize this one was also not jeremy bulloch.

is it just me or did it end up that even within the limited role of boba, jeremy still missed out on all of the good scenes? ;)

sorry. back on topic now :)
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