which helmet

Im curious which helmet is best suited for a Jango also. I know that Seeker used an MSH1 for his Jango and it looks awesome. I also know he modified his extensively. I dont understand why someone doesn't modify a Boba helmet to a Jango and make casts available. Rather than making time consuming modifications to every Jango helmet attempt, it would be nice if someone simply made a perfect Jango helmet.


animetronic wrote:

Im curious which helmet is best suited for a Jango also. I know that Seeker used an MSH1 for his Jango and it looks awesome. I also know he modified his extensively. I dont understand why someone doesn't modify a Boba helmet to a Jango and make casts available. Rather than making time consuming modifications to every Jango helmet attempt, it would be nice if someone simply made a perfect Jango helmet.

LOL:lol: Easier said than done. It would be nice if someone made every part of the Jango costume and gave them for free! I seem to remember a thread in which someone was planning on making the perfect Jango Fett helmet. Does anyone know what happened to that thread?
I had the JD helmet, but my head was too large to fit into it (my nose stuck through the visor opening. I would highly reccomend getting one of his helmets if you are of an average build, because his quality is phenomenal, it's some of the best fiberglassing that I've ever seen.

Bountys Hunted wrote:

MLC also makes an outstanding Jango helmet...



MLC makes the best Jango bucket out there IMHO. The only problem is the scale, if youre 6'+ with a largr frame it looks spot on. If youre smaller, well.....ask Mirax.
However, in terms of shape and accuracy, it is dead on to the visual dictionary cover.
I have a JD helmet and it is AWESOME!!!!!!!
Very durable and an incredible job of construction.
Not to mention he was on top of his updates and emails.
I agree with OSK.. the MLC Jango is dead on.. again, the *only* downside is it is scaled for the bigger costumer. But it is a beautiful piece of work, as is all of Mardon's stuff.

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