which helmet?


Active Hunter
I am currently shopping around for a new Fett helmet. My question is which one should I be looking at more closely? I'm doing ROTJ Fett and I'm looking for a helmet that isnt going to be too big. I'm pretty much the same size and build as SEEKER, 5'6''. Any help would be much appreciated.

The MSH2 is meant for ESB. I would recommend a Mystery Helmet Kit for ROTJ. It's ROTJ accurate and not quite as large as the MSH2 (which is a good thing for us smaller fetts). Arturo also has wide shoulders and a muscular build, so I don't know if a large helmet would work for you. If you don't want to spend the money on a Mystery Helmet, I'd suggest a modified DP95 based helmet of some sort.

mindphunk wrote:

So i should save up for the MSH2.

The MSH2 and MSH are more geared towards the ESB and not ROTJ.

Although the MSH is really ESB, it can be used for an ROTJ. That is what I used for my ROTJ and it feel it looks realy well.


The MH is really more close to the ROTJ then the MSH and MSH2 as far as accuracy goes for ROTJ.

Looks Awesome Lynn! :eek:
I agree on the Mystery for the ROTJ.
I'm not sure of the size of the MLC, but it is also an option.
Robert E.
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reidemiller wrote:

Looks Awesome Lynn! :eek:
I agree on the Mystery for the ROTJ.
I'm not sure of the size of the MLC, but it is also an option.
Robert E.

Thanks!! You should see it with the movie accurate stuff... :D Wait, you have already.. ;) :lol:

Mindphunk..... You gotta PM coming..

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Ok, I have it down to three. I'm going to check out prices on MSH2, MH, and a member here has offered me a fg helmet. I know you guys have said MSH2 isnt for ROTJ, but I really love the look of that kit. My big worry was the helmet being too big for me, kinda like Mirax' helmet tread a few months ago.

Lynn TXP 0369 wrote:

Although the MSH is really ESB, it can be used for an ROTJ. That is what I used for my ROTJ and it feel it looks realy well.

Ditto. Same here. Actually, I have *TWO* MSH helmets. I only have one painted, though. Like Lynn, it's ROTJ to match the rest of my suit. I feel it's pretty accurate and it just "looks right". Can't put my finger on it, but I get "good vibes" from those helmets... :)
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