which helmet would you recommend?

hi i've just joined to get an idea of where to go on my wifes boba fett costume.i'm based in the uk and i'm a member of a star wars costuming group here but my wife wants a boba costume and i was told that the people on this board know whats what so here i am.

i'm not sure which boba helmet to go for i've seen bobamakers one but i don't know if it would look ok on her?

any help would be great.


What is her hight/size? If shes not to tall then the BM will work. If he is taller or bigger then a larger helmet is needed. For that I would go with a TF.
especially being in the UK where shipping will be easier, bobamaker seems the way to go.

Where the bm is smaller go with that, but both bm and tf are in the uk so shipping would be the same.

However it may be some time before you get anything from bm, he's usually pretty busy
TFs is a bit larger then the BM. I think it would be to large on her. It looks perfect on someone 6' or taller but if your smaller then that I would think it would have the change to not look correct.
TFs is a bit larger then the BM. I think it would be to large on her. It looks perfect on someone 6' or taller but if your smaller then that I would think it would have the change to not look correct.

I was just answering the question on who TF was, I allready suggested a BM helmet ;)
I'm taller than your wife, but my advice is to try them on if possible. Simply put, I got a huge melon. I had people recommending all kinds of them. I've tried on at least eight different makes of Mando helms, two actually fit no problem. I actually drove about 2 hours of Christmas traffic in the SF bay area to meet up with Penny Wise to try his Marrow Sun and it actually fit! (I think he had to take padding out if I remember correctly.) So if you can try one on first, great!
I was wondering by long wait how long is a long wait for you guys one, two, three mos. just wondering cause I am also debating helmets however I will need it by july.
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