Where can I find those "clear" rangefinders floating around?


Active Hunter
I was just curious about this...

I realize that a handful of you have these clear resin rangefinger pieces on your helmets, which seem to more accurately reflect what the underside of the MoM rangefinder looks like. Who makes these pieces? Are they still available anywhere?

Just need some background on this. :facepalm
Hi Brian, I don't know about other versions, but Mardon makes a two-piece rangefinder for his MLC bucket. Top part is hollow fiberglass, bottom is a "opaque-clearish".

Stalk is fg as well, w/ a small hollowed out center...

lmk if you'd like more info-

I broke mine and need replacment. There very fragile. I contacted the guy that made the MSH and he said he would get me one out, but that several months ago. I think someone else will be making the MSH in the near future. Hopefully they will offer these clear "quarts" range finders. (HINT, HINT)
Yeah, Lynn...that's what I thought. But I have an MSH, and it didn't come with the clear rangefinder. Maybe the previous owner broke it or something. :facepalm
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Yeah, the clear rangefinders were VERY brittle. Just putting my stalk in mine the thing crumbled.

I'm hoping Mardon will be kind enough to offer his rangefinders separately from his helmet . . . they're the good stuff!! :D
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That would be a good idea. My rangefinder is solid resin. I was thinking of hollowing it out then using a piece of styrene for the top. But if I could get a clear one. :)
Ego- Mardon is offering his two piece rangefinder and stalk as a seperate item. :)

Hollowed out top- opaque "clearish" bottom and stalk that has a hollowed center.

If anyone is interested, PM me for pricing...


Bountys Hunted wrote:

Hi Brian, I don't know about other versions, but Mardon makes a two-piece rangefinder for his MLC bucket. Top part is hollow fiberglass, bottom is a "opaque-clearish".

Stalk is fg as well, w/ a small hollowed out center...

lmk if you'd like more info-


PM me for the info. I have a Deluxe Fett fiberglass bucket, but the stalk is solid aluminum, and the top is solid resin. I'm in the process of adding the LED's, but I can't with the one I have. I'm interested in this one instead.

By the way, what will be the lenght of the whole piece together? Mine measures 7 1/8" from bottom to where it connects the resin top, and 8 1/8" overall.

Hello Robert-

The last update was the $ had been sent, and all the RF's and RF/Combos will be shipping with the Jet Packs. Sorry for the delay, but it cuts international shipping costs this way.

The JP's are nearly ready to ship, I'll update everyone as soon as they do so.


Please PM me if you ever have any questions, I'll get a reply back to you as soon as possible.


take care,

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