What's a good helmet?


New Hunter
hi all,i am looking for a good starter helmet and was hoping someone could point me in the right direction,i where glasses and i have a rubies jango helmet(for my wifes jango costume!!)which doesnt fit with my glasses.i have seen the bobamaker helmet but i was wondering what others thought,thanks in advance.mike
Marrow Sun!!! PM MS for a helmet

boba-fetts-behind-you said:
hi all,i am looking for a good starter helmet and was hoping someone could point me in the right direction,i where glasses and i have a rubies jango helmet(for my wifes jango costume!!)which doesnt fit with my glasses.i have seen the bobamaker helmet but i was wondering what others thought,thanks in advance.mike
Another option is Skygunbro, a very good starter helmet if you ask me. I have one and I think its great. I would say MS if you are going for a super accurate display piece but I wouldn't troop in something of that level. Especially if you are going to paint your own helmet, get a starter first, perhaps even a rubies and practice. In my opinion the MS, BM, and SGB all have high points, its all a matter of personal preference. I.E. money, accuracy... ect. :D
boba-fetts-behind-you said:
hi all,i am looking for a good starter helmet and was hoping someone could point me in the right direction,i where glasses and i have a rubies jango helmet(for my wifes jango costume!!)which doesnt fit with my glasses.i have seen the bobamaker helmet but i was wondering what others thought,thanks in advance.mike
What price range are you looking for? PM me if you want. MS is top notch, but there not cheap. Don Post 95 are good but there getting pretty hard to find. Rubbies (I'm sorry to say) suck big time for Boba. The Jango are better.
you could buy a rubies jango helmet and re-paint it. Theyre like sixty bucks.
you could also get contacts, thats what I did.
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Just to let ya know. This hobbie is addicting and you will end up buying the best stuff eventually anyhow, so save your money and get a good one. Seeing how your in the UK, BM is a good source for you.
contacts are no good for me as my left eye kinda wanders where it wants,boy am i weird,i will proberly go for a BM as he is in the uk and i have been looking at his stuff for ages,thanks for everyones help and when i get one and paint it i will post pics,thanks again.mike.
boba-fetts-behind-you said:
hi all,i am looking for a good starter helmet and was hoping someone could point me in the right direction,i where glasses and i have a rubies jango helmet(for my wifes jango costume!!)which doesnt fit with my glasses.i have seen the bobamaker helmet but i was wondering what others thought,thanks in advance.mike

My advice for you is to try on different helms if you have a big head (like me). I tried on 6 or 7 and only the MS' helm fit. BM's are cool, but have the brow dip, which I am not exactly fond of, but if you don't mind it then go for it!
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