What is the difference between Boba Esb and Rotj paintjobs?

boba matt

New Hunter
He yguys,
can someone please explain the difference between the two for me? i cant figure it out. Which one looks better too? i want to know which one looks like more of a bad bounty hunter:angry
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Bad bounty hunter? Have to go with ROTJ no questions asked. Some might not thing the same.:)
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The difference is everything, every piece is painted differently. The first noticable difference is the ESB boba fett has a green theme, that is the jet pack/gauntlets/armor are all green, while the rotj has an array of colors. but the weathering is completly different between the two, also alot of the pieces are different.

Which one is better? Well neither one, you just have to decide if you want the younger, or older Boba Fett. Both will look the same to the genral public so painting your armor one color to the next isnt important, the otherall theme is all that counts.
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cal196 said:
The difference is everything, every piece is painted differently. The first noticable difference is the ESB boba fett has a green theme, that is the jet pack/gauntlets/armor are all green, while the rotj has an array of colors. but the weathering is completly different between the two, also alot of the pieces are different.

And ROTJ is much more of a bad--- !!!!!!!! He's left that part out.
I would go with the ROTJ Boba. Instead of hanging around and talking like the ESB Fett does, this Boba has action scenes …
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what you talkin??????? Unlike the ROJ fett, the ESB fett manages to nearly take off Luke skywalkers head. unlike the roj fett who cant even take a shot off at him without his blaster being cut in half. besides... the ESB fett has a WAY more detailed paintjob. and its alot more fun to have to go out of your way inorder to find references. but thats just me.
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BobaFettSlave_1 said:
what you talkin??????? the ESB fett has a WAY more detailed paintjob.

Yup, especially the Jet Pack.:lol:

Why are you so irritated ? Really, I don't understand! :lol: Don't take this wrong and it isn't meant to be personal or directed just at you.
I'd like to not see this thread deteriorate into " ESB/ROTJ Fett is better because neener, neener, I am rubber you are glue, ect..."

Though this issue has been discussed SEVERAL times already, let's try to stick with factual differences- e.g. painting style, reference material, complexity.
Well, sticking to the facts strictly, as many have already said, color and paint sceme/weathering is the biggest difference I can see. The ESB does not have ankle spats, ROTJ does. ESB has a slightly different blaster rifle with different greeblies. ESB rifle has a sling, ROTJ does not. ESB has a sidearm, ROTJ does not. Belt pouches are situated differntly between the 2. ROTJ cape is made from a army tent & is green. Don't know for shure what ESB cape is made from, but its a tannish brown with an orangish/rust colored stripe on it. Flametrower attachment is way different on ESB. ROtj has 2 or 3 hoses running to the right gaunt, ESB only has one. Bantha skulls on left shoulder are slightly different beween the 2. I'm shure there's many more differences, but thats all I can think of right now. Hope that helps:)


EDIT: OOoppps...after reading the title of the post again, I guess you only wanted to know about the paint jobs. Well, you have some other diffrences listed now too:lol: Yeah, the weathering is quite different between the 2. left shoulder on ESb seems to be much lighter than the left one. ROTJ apear to be both the same color. I've always felt that, with the exception of the bucket...ESB seems to have substantially less weathering than ROTJ...but then again, the ref. we currently have for ESB is not nearly as good as ROTJ...so there could be alot more subtle stuff going on with the ESB suit that we aren't shure about.
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My question is, is the actual base of the helmet different? Remove the paint and just have the helmet. Is there a different shape?
I would say that the shape is different especially at the base of the helmet. The esb one omis alot wider at the base of the helmet than the rotj helmet.

The argument does get old, but laughing at the banter doesn't. I went RotJ myself. The reason will sound pretty silly. When I first joined TDH the easiest (and cheapest) piece for me to find was an army half shelter. It's the very first piece of my build. From my point of view, they are both Boba Fett and therefore equally cool.
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