What is the best way to make a helmet?


Active Hunter
I could use your help guys.

I spent about 60 hours sculpting a shock trooper helmet. I bought a really expensive silicone and it worked great. I messed up because I didn't make any locks or keys. So It wouldn't fit into the fiberglass jacket. Never the less my first attempt failed miserably and my awesome sculpt was ruined. not by the moulding process but something else happened.

My question is. What is the BEST way to make a helmet from start to finish? Is vacuum forming a good way? I want to make a really sturdy helmet and I don't care how many steps are involved. Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks guys
well, I made mine from sintra. then I made a fiberglass mold and take casts of that. I tried vac-forming and am currently selling a vac-formed helm as well as a fiberglass one. Either way you have to make a mold somehow first, and i recomend either clay (difficult) or sintra (merely hard).
skirata said:
what are locks and keys?

Locks and keys are shapes sculpted into the laytex and fiberglass portions of your mold to ensure that they line up well and flush. :) This is normaly done on the dividing line of the mold halves.
I could use your help guys.

I spent about 60 hours sculpting a shock trooper helmet. I bought a really expensive silicone and it worked great. I messed up because I didn't make any locks or keys. So It wouldn't fit into the fiberglass jacket. Never the less my first attempt failed miserably and my awesome sculpt was ruined. not by the moulding process but something else happened.

My question is. What is the BEST way to make a helmet from start to finish? Is vacuum forming a good way? I want to make a really sturdy helmet and I don't care how many steps are involved. Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks guys

Thats truly a bummer man! Similar thing happened to me a few years ago. :(

What kind of clay do you use by the way? (For your busts?)
THe sculpt was ruined by falling off a high table.

I use super sculpey, I have alot of it so I dicided to go with that, works well
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