What can I make my Armor out of instead of Aluminum?


Active Hunter
Ok, Ive been looking for some think else to make my armor and helmet out of except Aluminum. Also dose anyone have Mando Templates I can use. Ive seached and I guess I dont type in the right thnigs because nothing ever comes up.

This question has already been answered in your previous post called "armor". You'll find people around here very patient, but if you ask a question, ignore the answers, and ask the question again, folks may start losing that patience. So my advice is check your previous thread for the answers you seek.
lizard, if u go to the aromor threads, and go to the bottom of the current page, the last thread is what ur looking for, wizardoflight armor templates;)
This question has already been answered in your previous post called "armor". You'll find people around here very patient, but if you ask a question, ignore the answers, and ask the question again, folks may start losing that patience. So my advice is check your previous thread for the answers you seek.

Someone had to say it.lol
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