Webley & Scott Mk1 No1 Information??


Active Hunter
Since I can't afford a real flare gun and even the copies are more than I'd be comfortable paying, I'm going to have a crack at building my own from scratch.

Does anyone have any drawings, good photos, or measurements of the Webley & Scott Mk1 No1 flare gun?

Please post them here or e-mail them to me.

If I'm successful (the only thing holding me back is the information), then I'll put it all together on a web page so other Fettischists can build their own ESB blastech too.

Thanks for your help.


BTW: Over on the RPF, lonepidgeon from "The Parts of Star Wars", has identified the correct blocks used on the side of Boba Fett's blastech:
Well, with people i know who scratch built theres, they used a "magnum" bb gun from walmart, and used pvc and other sorts.
I've seen the versions based on the BB gun's and they're good, but the grips are not quite the same shape as a real Webley.

The past few days I've been thinking of cutting the complete frame (including the stock support) out of a very thick sheet of aluminum.

I just need some measurements and good photos to start drawing up plans and looking for off-the-shelf pieces.

If I think this is "do-able", then I'll even see about getting it cast and making a few.


Here is my scratch built one.



I used the actual Webley grips and a schematic for the Mark IV pistol. It is the same base as the MK1 flare. PM me if you want more info.
The stock connector is 1/4" Aluminum. I have a few extra if anyone wants one. I had a metal shop cut them for me. PM me for info.
Hi guys,

My 1916 Webley No1Mk1, or at least it was. I sold it for $1200.00 (US).
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Thanks Vos, it's always breathtaking to see a genuine Mk1 No1.

I've saved that to my collection of reference photos as it's an unusual angle that shows detail in areas that you normally don't see.

Does anyone have any clues about the clamps that were used in ESB? I've looked at lots of things, but haven't found the perfect match yet.

BTW: Oil wrench clamps don't appear to be correct. For a start they're all way too big in diameter and secondly, the metal band isn't as thick as the original.

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