Weathering Layers


Well-Known Hunter
I've noticed on several helmets (mine included), that when the silver and grey weathering paint is added topically, the paint tends to streak or bubble. You can see the brush strokes, and feel the paint layers with your fingers.

Is there a way to weather topically, that doesn't have this effect?

Here's a method I was thinking of: After the primer and silver base coats, hand-brush the grey weathering areas. Then hand-paint all the primary helmet colors, greens, reds, yellows, what have you, painting around the weathered areas, allowing the silver and grey to show through. Obviously at this point, you will see brush strokes. However, I was thinking if you use a fine-grit sandpaper (very small circles) and sand down these imperfections, you'll get the desired 'layered' look, without all the brush strokes and silver paint blobs.

Has anyone tried this? Pros and cons?
Well, I tried the layering effect for every color the last time I painted my bucket, and it looked very authentic as far as realistic battle-damage is concerned, but it was very difficult to get even close to movie accurate scars. Recent posts in other threads have suggested that a silver paint pen is the way to go.(for the greys &other colors, I'm not entirely shure what the best method is there, but for silver, this method is pretty cool.) Micke's bucket, for example, looks amazing, and I think others have had very good luck w/ this technique as well. I tried the paint pen on what I thought was my finished bucket to see how the different methods compare, & supprisingly, the topicall aplicatinons look nearly as good as the layered method, (unless you look very close that is.)I guess, I cant really feel the weathering either if that is of concern. I did try the sanding down method that you were thinking of as well. I've found that this merely softens and blends the scars/base colors into a "feathered" look, (not the hard edge look that you're after.) Check some of the other threads on helmet weathering for more helpful hints. (if you havent already :lol:) Just my 2 cents, & hope that helps a bit
ok please dont hold me to this because Im not sure how it works. So dont go use this on ur brand new helmet u just painted. this is only a suggestion and im not sure if it will work or if will have a side effect.

When i was making my right gaunt out of thin pieces of pine wood and syntra i noticed that there were huge gaps in the wood and syntra and the wood's grain was still showing thru the paint. SO i got myself a can of chrystal clear enamel (triple thick), the kind that you use to coat a table or something. I used the entire can on it and it looks pretty much like on solid block of plastic now, as opposed to many different pieces.

I guess what u could do is put a few very light coats on ur helmet, the enamel MAY fill the brush streaks in and give it a more smooth look. However Im not sure, so I dont want you to mess ur helmet up because of what Im saying, so do this at ur own risk I guess.
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