weathering a new New Suit: Any ideas?


Active Hunter
Just got my Flight Suit:

now all i got to do is to weather it to look more like a jango....

any tips?

[Updated pic]

I think it looks better then my older suit!

Any one interested in a run? it can be tailored for USD$120!
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Mist it with spray paint. Black and grey are good colors. Just mist it, DON'T spray directly onto suit. I've seen cool looking castiron color at the autoparts store.
You can basically do anything to weather the jumpsuit. When I weathered my suit for my ESB Boba I used an airbrush and sprayed it with black acrylic paint to give it a nice dirty look. I also am going to go over it with a little bit of gray and brown in the future.
wow..loads of ideas....i was thinking of misting it with paint....but any kind of paint works best on fabric?

I was thinking of those normal acrylic sprays on aerosol cans...

What does it look like with a flash and what is it made of?

I dont have it in flash yet...will upload a pics soon..
its not 100% cotton....maybe 90% and the other 10% was lycra or something...

I got it tailor made at only USD$100.

any one itnerested i could do a run..
wow..loads of ideas....i was thinking of misting it with paint....but any kind of paint works best on fabric?

I was thinking of those normal acrylic sprays on aerosol cans...

Well, if you have an airbrush, there's a line of paints called Createx that are specifically designed for fabric. I used a mix of dark brown and gray on my Boba flightsuit, and it worked great.
You paint it on, then to make it permanent you "heat set" it with an iron once it's dry.
Well, if you have an airbrush, there's a line of paints called Createx that are specifically designed for fabric. I used a mix of dark brown and gray on my Boba flightsuit, and it worked great.
You paint it on, then to make it permanent you "heat set" it with an iron once it's dry.

thats a very specialized paint....any alternativeS?
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