update pics. Getting there.


Active Hunter




here is my suit. It is getting closer by the minute. I am hoping to do a test run this Saturday at Visioncon. Here in Springfield MO.

I have to get the knee armor and braids done up.

and get the toe spikes on if I can.

The blaster is not going to be possible this short notice. But maybe by CIII

I did not put on jet pack because I am by myself. I could not even get back fastened all the way.

How does Boba do it? LOL
I think he does have a droid maybe that is who helps.
You are really making progress man!! Looking great. If I may offer one small suggestion...You may want to sew some white cuffs onto your gloves so they stay tucked inside of your gauntlets. I'm almost positive the originals had this. Not that you need to, but I could never keep my gloves tucked in without this, and I always thought it detracted from the suit if you have bare skin showing. Your suit is really coming together nicely.
Yeah I put on my cod and belts and frgot to put my shoes on so I did not feel like taking all back off so I could bend down to put boots on.

I also am thinking about the white guantlets for my gloves to keep them tucked in. It is a pain having them come out all the time.


for output.
soilman said:
I also am thinking about the white guantlets for my gloves to keep them tucked in. It is a pain having them come out all the time.

I had the idea to put some snaps on the gloves which you could then snap to the the end of the sleeves. As long as they are under your gauntlets no one would know. I bought the snaps, but haven't got around to putting them on yet. Just another idea for you.

Looking good...:thumbsup:
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