UK ROTJ colours?


Well-Known Hunter
As the title says (well kinda) is there a list of colours, for the UK market, to paint the ROTJ JP?

I would like to use Humbrol if at all possible (airbrushed) once i can narrow down the correct shades of everything.

I tried the search function and have gotten some Tamiya colours from there, but even so some of the colours are still a bit vague.

any help would be appreciated.

:jet pack
Not humbrol, but KOTE use Citadel Enchanted blue for their 501st Special Ops Clones, and I think it's recommended fo the main blue of the jet pack too. With a bit of misting it looks good. The only problem is the pots are small, even once you have added water to thin them down. On such a large surface you would be using a lot of paint!
I highly recommend Vallejo acrylics, there's a huge choice of colours and the finish from these is very impressive. Also, they're less expensive than humbrol and non toxic.

I recently visited a model shop in Manchester city centre they stock every colour, hundreds... :-)

Good luck
I highly recommend Vallejo acrylics, there's a huge choice of colours and the finish from these is very impressive. Also, they're less expensive than humbrol and non toxic.

I recently visited a model shop in Manchester city centre they stock every colour, hundreds... :-)

Good luck

I have seen these for sale and they look quite good. Daz - do you have any colour lists?
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