Well-Known Hunter
Well, it took about 5 months to do, my goal has been met 2 weeks ahead of time. The cost: $350+ Not sure the exact amount, but from the basic calculations from the majority of supplies.
I would like to thank EVERYONE that has helped me on this board to the completion of my helmet. I could not have done this on my own accord without this community's helpful insight and wealth of information.
The helmet itself is not perfect, I will admit that. Then again, what in the world is perfect? Its competly satisfactory with my standards, and I put the best effort I could, restraining myself from rushing. The work was hard, but benificial and rewarding. After being exposed to what everyone here does, I find that its much more then just costuming, its a passion in a way. Just like how I have a passion for playing the Tuba, I have a passion for my hobbies. This is my passion.
(What's next...?)