Tool time


Active Hunter
Here we have a set of Binford 2000 shin tools ;)

Serriously though, tried my hand at making a set from scratch today. How'd they turn out ?

Need to get another knurled tube for the swipecard thingy (only had one when I raided my toolbox), and my stirstick is just plain missing some detail, but other then that.......

once I get some feedback I'll let ya know how I made em


They all look excelent. The stirstick(knife) and squeegee(sonicbeam weapon) look dead on to me. The other two( jet pack adjustment tool and I don't remeber what the other one is) look great , but omly slightly small. I was thinking about doing this also because the resin ones I have won't hold paint... actually the paint never dries. Let us know you secrets master.
They all look excelent. The stirstick(knife) and squeegee(sonicbeam weapon) look dead on to me. The other two( jet pack adjustment tool and I don't remeber what the other one is) look great , but omly slightly small. I was thinking about doing this also because the resin ones I have won't hold paint... actually the paint never dries. Let us know you secrets master.

Ya thats what I meant, the jet pack adjustment tool is lacking detail, not the knife ... I can never remember all the tools names either ;), I just plain ran outta time today to finnish that one the way I'd have liked to. I'm sure I'll revisit it, but quite frankly all the pic's ive seen of it (while its in the pocket) make it look plain. Almost looks like they cast a socket extension ( I know it's taken off part of a real stir stick though)

Mark I can make you a set bro.
Infact you probably have everything used to make them already in your household, and if not the materials are easily attainable
Well I think I will try my hand at it first, but thanks for the offer( I might still take you up on it). I was just going to use sintra to make em. Is that what you used?
Time to let the cat out of the bag so to say....

It's all an Illusion boys.

You have to remember , what we all do here is one big elaborate illusion, we are indeed not Fett, but we create one hell of an illusion :thumbsup: in what we all make of our costumes and our persona as we troop as a character. Not far off unlike the illusions created by other artists, magicians, marketing people ect...

You all are indeed artists here, I see it every day as I peruse these boards, from the wares our amazingly talented vendors provide us, to the awsome paint jobs you all do in finnishing them up.. Simply amazing and no less talented then the boys in Hollywood do.. Thats a fact !!! :cheers

I made these using everyday houshold items that you probably have in your housholds right now, as you will see below. Not brain surgery, and certainly nothing new, I just thought out of the box. I can no longer go into a store and not see items that I can make things out of that are costume related. I see something and go .. Hmmm, I can use this for that, ya ya , it would work. As I'm sure you all do. My wife used to laugh at me when we went shopping, while she was shopping for everyday stuff for the house, my mind is always wandering to hmmmm what can I use this for .... LOL

Anyways, here they are, all parts listed, easily attained and easily made. I chose not to completely finnish some of the tools, atleast the parts that are hidden beneith the pocket-line. My though was - How often do you pull them out of the pockets anyways ??? But I'm sure I'll revisit them and complete them soon enough, it would'nt be that hard, I just wanted to show you what could be done, and how you need to think always of creating the illusion and thinking of ways to accomplish projects and pull it off so it looks good to the public while still being functional for the purpose of this illusion

Tools used:
scroll saw
and alot of imagination

Thanks to my wife for taking one for the team and sacrificing her cutting board.. YES I got her a new one ;) .. LOL

Enjoy, I hope this helps someone out or gets your creative juices flowing


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a soap pencil is a tool used by machinists and fabricators thats used to write non permanently upon metals such as mild steel carbon.

It's like a thin version of a chalk pencil that people use for Tie Pilot costumes
Hey Loinspride. I picked up a pair of soap stone holders at a Farm and Fleet in the welding section for $5. I cut about 1/4 inch off the top of knurl with a small pipe cutter which gave me nice finished tops and a legnth of knurl more like the visual dictionary. The tubes are hard to drill holes into as they want to slip around, but they work great. Exactly the kind of thing I had hoped to find. Great find. thanks for sharing.
ack... sorry for not responding, been hecktic the last few nights here.

Ya you should be able to find them anywhere they sell welding supplies, or tools for fabricators. I got them from work when I was a fabricator many moons ago. Farm and Fleet is an awsome store for finding stuff.. Too bad they don't have em close to where I live now.

Glad you were able to get yourself a set. Hey if atleast one person finds some worth out of this, it was worth me sharing how I put mine together.

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