Trooper TK409
Active Hunter
Four years ago after the end of SgtFang's first run of the original "Mystery helmet" I thought I had missed out by not getting one - until one day someone posts one for sale on RPF and I snapped it right up! I spent days painting and repainting it and it was my helmet from then on. I even had it signed by both Jeremy Bulloch and Daniel Logan. I can't tell you how much I like this helmet.
For the past few months I've had my Fett outfit in a semi-retired state on a mannequin in my office at Epic Games and he's become pretty popular. When the press comes by, the guys always bring them by and they've taken photos, etc. My coworker CliffyB even posted him on his blog:
So I come to work Tuesday morning and see my Fett statue doesn't have his helmet on. That's weird, but not alarming. It must be around here somewhere, right? Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw next. Please, Fett enthusiasts, if there are children in the room, send them away. These are graphic images.
The helmet is sitting on my desk and the first thing I see is that there is a gaping hole where the face used to be. Then I see the big hole in the top. The helmet is surrounded by all the parts: ears, rangefinder, and several pieces of what look like shrapnel. Then I realize that the front part of the rifle is along side the fragmented parts, along with several other smaller pieces that belong to it. The rifle had been disconnected at the handle - that is, the screws from the aluminum bracket came out of the resin handle. No big deal, I can screw that back together, but the scope was off and several smaller greeblies had been shorn off. No one has any idea what happened. My officemate Mikey Spano kindly picked up the pieces and put them on my desk. Lots of guys have been by to offer their condolences.
My question is: is this fixable? Should I toss it and start over? If not, I forsee much fiberglass net, resin, bondo, sanding and repainting in my future.
For the past few months I've had my Fett outfit in a semi-retired state on a mannequin in my office at Epic Games and he's become pretty popular. When the press comes by, the guys always bring them by and they've taken photos, etc. My coworker CliffyB even posted him on his blog:

So I come to work Tuesday morning and see my Fett statue doesn't have his helmet on. That's weird, but not alarming. It must be around here somewhere, right? Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw next. Please, Fett enthusiasts, if there are children in the room, send them away. These are graphic images.
The helmet is sitting on my desk and the first thing I see is that there is a gaping hole where the face used to be. Then I see the big hole in the top. The helmet is surrounded by all the parts: ears, rangefinder, and several pieces of what look like shrapnel. Then I realize that the front part of the rifle is along side the fragmented parts, along with several other smaller pieces that belong to it. The rifle had been disconnected at the handle - that is, the screws from the aluminum bracket came out of the resin handle. No big deal, I can screw that back together, but the scope was off and several smaller greeblies had been shorn off. No one has any idea what happened. My officemate Mikey Spano kindly picked up the pieces and put them on my desk. Lots of guys have been by to offer their condolences.
My question is: is this fixable? Should I toss it and start over? If not, I forsee much fiberglass net, resin, bondo, sanding and repainting in my future.