Tighter Vader Dome

okay ive been working on my Rubies Supreme helmet today trimming the padding and what not and noticed that the square blotch of Velcro that was on the front of the helmet is pealing off. So i went to Walmart and bought some industrial strength velcro and applied it but it was to thin and would not make a connection. How could i fix this? or do they sell different thickness?
cross hatch where your going to put the magnets and then Gorrilla glue the magnets and tape them in place with some masking tape and line the visor on the mask and let it dry.

I used magnets on all my armor and its good becuase it always goes to the exact spot for perfect alignment.
Andle Diranos said:
Okay cool, now where do you get these magnets, particually strong ones?

You can get the little disc-shaped rare earth magnets at Hobby Lobby or Micheal's. I think even Radio Shack has them.
If you can't find the round rare earth kind, look at Office Depot for the magnetic strips that can be cut up...they have double-sided tape on one side for mounting.
I'll try to find the round earth ones since the magnetic strip may not be thick enough to reach the mask and helmet connection or strong enough. (however i have been working with the velcro and layering it and seem to have found a good fit, but I might still go for the magnets to get rid of the annoying velcro sound every time I jerk my head. Also i think i might do what some of you fetts do and make some new armor out of trash cans to bring the helmet into a better scale.)
Hmm, how do they get double sided on one side?

Just kidding. Also you can take apart a dead hard drive and pull them out. You wont find a stronger magnet anywhere. Be very carefull though because they will pinch the crap out of you and can even break the skin.
cal196 said:
cross hatch where your going to put the magnets and then Gorrilla glue the magnets and tape them in place with some masking tape and line the visor on the mask and let it dry.

I was under the impression that Gorilla Glue doesn't work very well on non porous surfaces.

GeneralMayhem said:
I was under the impression that Gorilla Glue doesn't work very well on non porous surfaces.


I believe that's why the cross-hatching. Scuff up the surface and that gives it something to latch onto when the glue expands. Actually I've been using the Elmer's equivalent (Ultimate Glue, I think) and it is holding awesome on smooth surfaces!
GeneralMayhem said:
I was under the impression that Gorilla Glue doesn't work very well on non porous surfaces.

gorilla glue is amazing stuff...The only problem I have come across is its expansion!
The thinnest bead expands like 4 times the size!
I did a gauntlet repair with it check it out
The directions state to dampen the surface...this might help w/ porous surface;)
wickedbeard said:
Goop or welder glue.they are pretty much the same thing, and could be bought at wal-mart.
Greatest glues on earth. bar none!!!!

Love the GOOP. Did you ever notice how they have like 800 hundred different varieties of GOOP (Outdoor, Marine, Indoor, Automotive...) and yet they all look, smell, and taste(:wacko ) the exact same?
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