Art Andrews

Community Founder
Community Staff
Fellow TDH members,

Many of you may not be aware of this, especially those who are newer to TDH, but we owe a huge debt of thanks to Nikki Burdett, aka Princess Nikidala, the owner of the RPF. Quite some time back we were unceremoniously kicked off our internet provider’s server, because we had grown too large. This was done without warning and with no opportunity for recourse. Basically, TDH died that day. Within no time, less than 48 hours if I recall correctly, Nikki swooped in like superwoman and offered to take us under her wing by giving us a home on her server for as long as we wanted. We gladly accepted and have happily called our home ever since.

Shortly after that event, a number of people asked about thanking Nikki for her generosity. Because the MSH helmet had just recently been introduced, we decided the best way to say “thanks” was giving Nikki a “dented” helmet of her own. Many TDH members contributed time, money, and supplies.

This project has taken quite some time, but we finally finished it, and the helmet was shipped last Wednesday. Nikki received it on Monday. Below you will find pictures of the helmet, custom artwork, created by Micke, specifically for this project, and the contents of the card we sent Nikki along with the helmet. Thanks to all of those who worked so hard to make this gift a reality. As always, together we can do great things. Thanks again Nikki for all your hard work and all the things you do behind the scenes! TDH wouldn’t be here without you!


Custom artwork from Micke (Note the detailing of the two helmets):


Contents of card sent to Nikki:


Shortly after TDH was shutdown by our internet provider, you picked us up and gave us a new home on your server. Because of your generosity, we wanted to give you a little something in return. We thought about flowers and candy, but we just aren’t the flowers and candy type. The best thing we could think of was to give you a “dented helmet” of your own. A number of TDH members donated time, money, and supplies to help this project come together. It has taken over a year to complete, but we are now happy to present you with this helmet as a token of our appreciation for all that you have done for TDH. Without you, TDH would not be possible. Thank you!

With highest regard,

The Dent and all of TDH

History of the “Nikki” ”helmet project:

This helmet, known as the MSH, was sculpted & cast by Natty15D, trimmed & prepped by Brak’s Buddy, and painted by Rogue Studios in the likeness of the Boba Fett helmet seen in Return of the Jedi. Final weathering, paint, and assembly were completed by Brak’s Buddy.

The following TDH members contributed either monetarily or with supplies:

Baddblood, bigkidbiggertoys, BobaFettish, bobagoat, CBT Fett, Dean O, Dustin Crops Boy, Ego, Fettcicle, Fett Gal, Fettish Fiend. gwizah_fett, ZamWIAm, Halo_1, JangoBear, Jedi-Bob, Journeymanprotector, Mirax H, Pantera, Spidey2222, tylerdurden
I'd also like to take a moment to tell everyone at TDH that Nikki's hard work didn't stop there. Currently she is helping us implement TDH's NEW BOARD SOFTWARE. Nikki is hard at work tweaking and coding custom tailored features for TDH and the RPF. The new software has MANY improvements over our current software.

Those improvements include:

- An enhanced PM system, featuring PM export, email notification, PM read receipt confirmation, and more

- An image server! TDH members will now be able to upload pictures directly to TDH's database if they wish to insert images into a post. No more searching for webhosting or broken images. Just click, browse, and upload.

- Easier interface for formatting posts, including buttons for bold, italics, and color, and also buttons for links and image insertion.

These are just a few of the improvements that TDH will benefit from with the new software, which will make our current software look like we're carving messages into stone tablets. I don't have an exact date for when we will transition to the new board, but it shouldn't be much longer. I'll make an official announcement when we are closer to completing the transition.
I've been around long enough to remember when TDH "died" but never really know who saved us other than someone from the RPF. Now that I know I would like to thank her because of all the friends I have made here and also for her hard work to update our software even though she isn't an active member of this board.
Wow, I just got my own "dented" helmet... For a non-prop related person, common sense would probably say, why would some want a "dented" helmet, but I think that this is the coolest helmet I have ever seen (even mister prop-meister Cliff is jealous)... I have to say that this is THE best present I have ever received and I will cherish it forever. I do have to say that it was a completely genius idea for a present, and the finished product is of the highest quality (which is something that I had previous noted about the members of this forum, whether in the forum design, respect for other members, or attention to detail and quality of all of your props). This helmet, the work that was put into it, and the love behind the gift fully epitomises the essence of this forum and it membership...

And, to add to the coolness of the present, I was even presented with a custom designed truely comic book quality graphic to depict the even. That is just so cool...

Now, something that you guys may not know is that while I have many props currently in the "work in progress" status, this will be the first completed prop to be in my collection, and as such, it will always hold an extra, extra special place in my heart. It was started, completed, and given to me out of the kindness and thanks of this community, and will always be the most unique prop that I ever own.

Thanks a million, guys (and gals ;))!!!!
Ah, isn't she SO sweet. ;)

Seriously Nikki ... you'll have to bring it to the next local get-together, so we can compare helmets. I recently acquired a pretty nice Fett helmet myself. :) Unfortunately, mine wasn't a gift of gratitude, but you know ...


Princess Nikidala wrote:

...this is THE best present I have ever received and I will cherish it forever...

Rats!!! Guess I'll never be the owner of that bad boy then!

Man, you guys should've seen was like Christmas here while she was opening it. She opened the packet first, containing the nice write-up and awesome custom every single word and couldn't believe how great you all were.

We then spent 20 minutes carefully separating the fabulous work of art from it's bubble wrap (and butt-load of tape...hehe) With the box tossed to the side and popcorn and bubble wrap all over the place, the be-all end-all of dented helmets emerged! :eek: What an awesome sight....I couldn't wait to put it on! :lol:

She now has it positioned on the top shelf of our component rack. We find ourselves staring at the helmet more than the TV!

Awesome mold, awesome detail, fantastic fit, and paint and weathering that only masters of the art could perform. You all outdid yourself!!! :D

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Thank you so much nikki!! You know, once upgrdes are over one or some of us has might have some other small trinkets for you :D :)
i must said thanks too
thanks for preserve one of the most
beautiful and coolest fellowship on the net
thanks again :)







and give us a pic of you and cliff with the dent on :D

secol_FETT wrote:

i must said thanks too
thanks for preserve one of the most
beautiful and coolest fellowship on the net
thanks again :)







and give us a pic of you and cliff with the dent on :D

Now, that is the coolest smilie / text thing I have seen in a long time... Hahahahaha....

I would love to post pics, and was planning on it (especially with my new Zam hairdo), but Cliff has broken his digital camera. Everything is coming out all screwed up and way blue scale shifted. You would probably think that Cliff and I turned into Roswell aliens and that the helmet was a Jango one instead of Boba Fett ROTJ (or atleast I gather from the icons that Jango's is way more blue than Boba's versions)... We are currently shopping for a new digital camera, so once we get it, I will most definitely be posting pics!!!
Thanks alot for helping my wallet shrink in size Miss Nikki! :D
Heheh, just kidddin (but you know it's actually the truth!)! ;)

That's one of the sweetest ROTJ helmets I've seen, and I love the "TDH" scratch on the back. Great touch guys!

I can't wait for TDH/RPF to migrate to the new software.

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My working day would seem so MUCH longer if it wasnt for the Dented Helmet Forums.
Thankyou again for giving us all a place to hang out.

Nathan :)
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micke wrote:

Thanks, Nikki! Yeah this place is great. Much thanks to you!

Glad you liked the picture;)


Oh, I LOVED the picture... It was just like the icing on the cake. Please, please, please tell me you are really a comic book illustrator, because otherwise, you are just wasting some kick butt talent... It looked like it cmae straight out of a comic book, even down to the comic style signature. It was just perfect.

I was absolutely blown away by both the helmet and the picture... I will probably get some sort of display done to put them together because they just complement each other so well.

You have to remember guys, though... I am just the host that saved the day once (or maybe twice, but who is counting ;))... Plenty thanks goes to "The Dent" as well, for the idea, the original space, and sticking with it... I just get the kudos for fixing things... Don't forget to thank your true masked hero!! ;)
Nope, i'm not really a proffessional comic book artist, but i do comics as a hobby;) I'm working as a illustrator.

Thanks again:)

wow! that helmet turned out great!

huge thanks to you guys for making this place available for us!

natty hit the nail on the head. work would suck if i could hit refresh on TDH. ;)
Nikki, I don't hang a lot on the RPF as I do here, which THIS is my home BTW, but I'm so thankful to you for keeping OUR home from being vanished.

Glad for your offering and you just have another family in your NET server (and of course, outside the NET as well). ;) THANKS!

Robert :thumbsup:
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