The interior of my MLC helmet.


Well-Known Hunter
I´ve been working on the interior of my helmet. I kind a based it on the Riddell mini helmet but also went by own way.

I used padding that came with the helmet and I decided to try to make the inside ear. It is made from sheet plastic 3 mm thick, sprayed with silverpaint, dulled down with 2000 grit sandpaper and then weatherd with pastel powder mixed with water and applied with a sponge.

I plan on cutting a little panel that can be opend so I can fit one of those flat batteries in there for the fans.

I kitbashed it a bit, the pices you see is a muffler from a caprice clasic model car.

I found a hard hat liner at work and used it, I hotglued it in place and used some of the padding to make it fit inside the bucket.




Im gonna make a box similar to the riddel helmet that fits over the keyslots but I´m gonna install a CPU fan in the top to draw air in.

I anyone is intrested I made drawings of the inner ear pice.

It is very simple do make one.
How did you glue the plastic edge pieces to the inside of the helmet. I mean the pieces from the construction hat liner.

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that looks fantastic! I was wanting to try to do that too, what kind of foam is did your use?
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Awesome - very well done - that looks fantastic. Your creativity amazes me. :cheers

I would be interested in the drawings - you have PM :)

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OverKill wrote:

How did you glue the plastic edge pieces to the inside of the helmet. I mean the pieces from the construction hat liner.


Hi just used hot glue. It holds perfectly as you can see I just cut out two pices of the padding to put in the cap, as the helmet is larger then the consturction hat it came from.
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That's a fantastic piece of work.
While the 'original' helmets were quite simple on the inside I think it adds ALOT more realism when you trim them out as you have done.

Great job !!
VERY COOL!! :thumbsup: :cheers

That's been something we've been kicking around for awhile. Sure does add to the "coolness factor"!!!

Right on man, very well done!

Thank you guys, I will finish the interior after the weekend, I needed some more plastic but I was to late, the shop was closed.

I wanted to make the helmet as real looking as possible, Because people who see the helmet on the outside and see how cool it is and then look on the inside and see there is more to the helmet than just the outside.

I try to make it as reallooking as I can.

obi sean kenobi wrote:

that padding cam with your MLC helmet? did you psy extra for it?
Man I hope theres some in my package when it arrives! :)


Not that I know of, just decided to use it.

Loranar_Fett wrote:

mobius wrote:

obi sean kenobi wrote:

that padding cam with your MLC helmet? did you psy extra for it?
Man I hope theres some in my package when it arrives! :)


Not that I know of, just decided to use it.

Where did you get the foam from? Is there a specific name for it?


It came in the box, ask Micke how the foam padding ended up in the box.
Really nice Mobius, I never tire of seeing interpretations of the inner gubbins of SW helmets. Great job.
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