TF Helmet Painted by hellopike


Active Hunter
so I'm done! Time to start the next part of the costume!





Here's the info if anyone is interested:

Helmet type:Terminal Fettler Cold Cast Aluminum Helmet, helmet no. 1
Paint style: Preproduction ver 2.
Panit method: Combinatino of spray paint and hand painting
Damage: topical

Everything came out nice enough, I think. The only part I goofed up on really was the killstripes. I dunno what I was thinking, but if you look you can see some "damage" where the old stripes were... but I left it there, because whats a few more scratches, right?

Let me know what you think,

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I'm not one to just chime in to blow sunshine up your... nose, but I do have to say that's very well done!!! Good job.

haha. on the prepro version the RF window is different. So I didn't realize. Consider it fixed.


thanks for the kind words everybody.
Tidy work. (I actually like the kill stripe damage, nice personal touch). Where did you get the visor and how is it affixed?
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