Suggestions for a good ROTJ Fett helmet


New Hunter
Looking for any suggestions on where to get a good ROTJ Fett helmet and have it painted. I've been trying to increase my painting skills, but I'm not even close to being on the level to tackle that helmet, and when it comes to the Fett, I'd rather pay a professional than put out a crappy product...I looked at Bobamaker, but it's pretty pricy and the shipping is expensive. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
I also am in the same boat as you are except that I have paid bobamaker to make all my armor and that was 6 months ago and should be getting it soon. I have seen that there are 2 or 3 people in the cargo hold that post painting services from time to time. I cant remember there names right now. But I will be needing there services soon to.
I got a helmet from Animefan and love it. He even installed Jc27's remote servo kit for me. I have that, an evil boy fan system installed...and I am ready to troop. Darth Voorhees is another helmet guy that paints them as well. The problem will be lead times for both...expect 4 to 6 month lead times at least. I will link a video of the helmet animefan created, painted, and installed the remote servo kit. Frankly anyone that makes quality stuff here has lead times...but it's worth it.
crumdum is correct :) Animefan does make a great helmet. I also make, and paint helmets, but turn around would be about 6 months for a fully painted helmet, like crumdum said.
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